Registration for Accommodation in the Dormitories of VMU for Period After July 1st, 2020, has Started

The application form does not need to be completed by those students who are new, incoming students and are looking for a place of accommodation only starting from new (2020/2021) academical year (those students will be asked to complete another form of application from this year July 1st).

Students, who are currently living in the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University located in Kaunas, Akademija (Kaunas district) or Vilnius and have concluded a fixed-term Agreements for Accommodation that are valid only until June 30th, 2020, and wishes to continue living in the dormitory, must register for further accommodation by completing this form. Registration shall be made no later than by June 14th, 2020. Students who are not currently living in one of the dormitories of VMU dormitory, but are interested in living in it during the summer period (from July 1st until July 31st, with a possibility of extension until August 15th , 2020,) must also register by completing the same form of application.

VMU graduates (students who have graduated / are graduating in the Autumn or Spring semester of 2019/2020) may submit a request for an extension of the Agreement for Accommodation:

  • for the summer period (from this year July 1st to July 31st, with the possibility of extension until August 15th,2020);
  • for one year after graduation (until June 30th, 2021). This possibility can be granted only in some circumstances.

VMU students may submit a request for an extension / conclusion of an Agreement for Accommodation:

  • for the summer period (from this year July 1st to July 31st, with the possibility of extension until August 15th,2020);
  • for one the academic year, until June 30th, 2021.

Other (non-VMU) students can extend / conclude their Agreements for Accommodation:

  • for the summer period (from this year July 1st to July 31st, with the possibility of extension until August 15th,2020);
  • for one academic year, until June 30th, 2021.

The application form also does not need to be completed by those students:

  • who do not intend to live in one of the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University after June 30th, 2020 or after completing their studies;
  • who have moved-out of the dormitory after April 1st, 2020, and their places of residence are reserved for them until July 31st, 2020 (valid only for students of VMU);
  • who do not intend to live in the dormitory during the summer period (from this year July 1st to July 31st, with the possibility of extension until August 15th, 2020) and are only interested in accommodation starting from new 2020/2021 academical year (those students will be asked to complete another form of application from this year August 1st ).

IMPORTANT: after evaluating the conditions of the quarantine announced by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the measures applied in relation to the prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic in dormitories and therefore possible redevelopment plans, promptness of completing the form is important, so respondents are likely to have a higher priority in allocating a place if the university is unable to provide the requested place of residence due to internal changes within the dormitory or if there would be multiple requests to the same place of residence.

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Centre (Department of Student Affairs), by e-mail or phone: +370 37 751 175

UPDATED INFORMATION (05.28): Dormitory Restrictions Due to Prevention of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Information updated 10:17, 28th May, 2020

Taking into consideration the recommendations by the Ministry of Health, the National Public Health Center under the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, as well as the recommendations by the World Health Organisation and the practices by other institutions of higher education around the world, all of them working to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), until June 16 (inclusive), for an indefinite period of time (until further notice):

  • new residents will not be accommodated in the dormitories of VMU, including short-term accommodation (up to 30 days);
  • all current residents are forbidden to invite guests to the dormitory during day-time (residents, who will violate this order shall be imposed disciplinary penalties);
  • suspension of all new guest-room reservations shall still remain in effect (such reservation will be cancelled);
  • all previously made reservations, for period until June 16th (inclusive), will also be cancelled.

Students, who are currently living in the dormitories of VMU, are recommended to follow instructions of National Public Health Center under the Ministry of Health, and follow information about the virus and its prevention on the website of Vytautas Magnus university It is also recommended to avoid crowding in the dormitory premises and participating in general activities.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact VMU at or +370 37 75 11 75

More information and answers to important questions:

Payment for service options during quarantine

We remind you that students living in the dormitories of  Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Kaunas district, or in Vilnius, during the quarantine period announced in the country, may pay for accommodation services remotely.

You can pay for accommodation in the following ways:

  • if you pay for the services yourself, indicate the amount you want to pay in the portal “Fees” section and then you will be directed to UAB “Paysera” payment environment, where you can choose the desired bank institution or payment intermediary and pay the selected amount immediately. The fee credit will be visible immediately after you return to the student portal after payment;
  • if another person pays for you, then in portal “Fees” section indicates the amount you want to pay and after the system directs you to UAB “Paysera” payment environment, select the desired tax payment intermediary from the list in the section “Other payment systems“. Send the generated invoice to the person who will make the payment for you. The fee will be visible on the student portal one working day after the payment date;
  • if the fees are paid for by another legal entity (e.g. company or organization), please contact an employee of the VMU Finance Department before paying them, by e-mail

We also remind you that during the quarantine, until a separate report, VMU Student Centre works remotely, therefore we encourage you to use remote payment options, and if you have any questions or problems, please contact us by e-mail or phone: (8 37) 751 175

During the quarantine, it is possible for VMU students who are unable to study remotely to move into dormitories

Taking into account the Government of the Republic of Lithuania 2020 May 13th No. 475, which from May 25th allowed to carry out higher education studies that cannot be carried out remotely, Vytautas Magnus University from this year May 25th allows new residents, VMU students, to stay in the university dormitories, who have before submitting a place by submitting a motivated application for accommodation by e-mail and obtain a consent to stay in VMU dormitory.

Persons staying in a dormitory must indicate that during the stay:

  • they did not develop a fever (37,7°C and above) and did not show signs of acute upper respiratory tract infections, acute intestinal infections and other communicable diseases (e.g. cough, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, etc.);
  • does not suffer from chronic diseases specified in serious chronic diseases for which a person is issued a certificate of incapacity for work during an emergency of quarantine period;
  • does not live with persons subjected to the necessary isolation due to the risk of the spread of coronavirus infection, or returned from it and performed the compulsory 14 days self-isolated period (except for the countries specified by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania). We remind you that returning from foreign countries must fill in the questionnaire provided by the National Public Health Centre and must isolate themselves in Lithuania (at home or in a place designated by the municipality) for 14 days by calling 1808 to register and check for coronavirus infection at a mobile point.

IMPORTANT: students wishing to move to Vytautas Magnus University dormitories are recommended to critically evaluate all other accommodation options, not only dormitory, choosing the safest one.

The decision on the possibility of providing a place to live will be made taking into account the reasons given by the students for staying in the dormitory and the conditions applicable to such accommodation. Please note that guests are not allowed in the dormitory.

In the dormitory, all new and arriving students will be required to check the temperature and follow all quarantine instructions in the dormitory.

For more information, contact by e-mail or phone: (8 37) 751 175

A Survey of the Quality of Accommodation Services is Being Conducted

From May 11, 2020, on the initiative of Student Affairs department, „Survey of the Quality of Accommodation Services“ is being conducted for the very first time. Students, who are living in the dormitories are requested to evaluate living conditions and services, that are provided in the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university. Link to the survey was send to all the residents by an e-mail to their personal e-mail address.

We kindly invite students to participate in the survey and submit their evaluation, opinions and suggestions, that would help to improve the performance and services provided in the dormitories. We are hoping for ~10 minutes of your time, that you would dedicate for completing this questionnaire. It is intended to conduct this survey every year in the future in order to compare the results and to deliver changes of accommodation services. Summarised results will be also published on

Thank you for your active participation and contribution.

Possibility of changing the room of the dormitory dormitory during the period of quarantine (updated 05.11)

Starting from May 11th, 2020, students living in VMU dormitories will be able to change dormitory rooms to vacant places not only in the same dormitory where they live (this opportunity has been granted since April 1st) but also between dormitories. Residents shall check the list of vacant rooms and make new reservations on

IMPORTANT: Students who wish to change their place of residence between dormitories will not be able to take the opportunity to keep it until the 31st of July, i. e. neither the new nor the former residence will be retained until the specified date if they are evicted.

We want to remind that during the nationwide quarantine announced by the Government of Lithuania new residents will not be accommodated in the dormitories of VMU (reservations will be canceled), all residents are also banned from inviting guests to the dormitory. Gatherings and organization of common activities in the shared areas (e.g. kitchens, smoking rooms, reading rooms, etc.) and rooms of the dormitories are also banned (residents, who will violate this order shall be imposed disciplinary penalties).

For more information please contact: e-mail or phone 8-37 75 11 75

Possibility to Postpone the Payment of Accommodation Fees During Quarantine

We want to inform that students, who are living in the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university in Kaunas, Kaunas District, or Vilnius, and who due to financial difficulties cannot pay their accommodation fees in time set by University and specified in the Agreement for Accommodation, may apply for a postponement of the deadline for the payment until the end of quarantine period in Lithuania.

Residents may apply for an individual payment schedule or for payment in instalments (when resident is paying part of the accommodation fees for month and gets permission to pay the rest later).

In order to apply for the postponement of the deadline, resident shall personally contact VMU Student Centre by an email

In case of questions please contact Student Centre:


Phone no (8 37) 751 175

Information on Changes of the Procedure for Termination of the Agreement for Accommodation, Moving in and out of the Dormitory

After taking into consideration initiative of the Student Representative Council to mitigate effect and negative consequences for students of VMU during the nationwide quarantine announced by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus university (VMU) has made a decision until July 31st, 2020, to allow students of VMU, who have terminated their Agreement for Accommodation during the period from April 1st, 2020, until the end of quarantine, to return to live in the same place of residence in the dormitories of VMU, where they lived before the date of moving-out.

In order to move-out of the dormitory, student shall:

  • send an e-mail to from e-mail account provided by the university and inform representatives of the University about termination of the Agreement for Accommodation and the date of departure from the dormitory (no later than 10 working days after sending the letter). The date of termination of the Agreement for Accommodation will be the one, when University receives an email (calculation of the fees will be suspended from this date as well). Residents also retain the possibility to terminate their Agreement for Accommodation and move-out of the dormitory in accordance with current procedures, by informing dormitory administrator in advance (accommodation fees would be suspended from the day of moving-out);
  • when moving-out of the dormitory, resident must vacate the place of residence, return the inventory, take out any personal property, return keys and entrance card to the dormitory’s administrator.

In order to return to live in the same dormitory room, where they lived prior to departure, Students will be required to complete following procedures after the end of the Quarantine Period:

  • Residents who terminated the Accommodation Agreement after April 1st, 2020, has the right to request a return to live in the same place of residence in the dormitory, where they lived before the termination of their Agreement. For this, after the end of quarantine but no later than by July 31st, 2020, resident shall submit a prescribed application form on
  • residents who by July 31st, 2020, will not submit a request to return to the same dormitory room where they lived before the date of departure, will lose the right to return to it but will have an opportunity to choose another place of residence from the public list of vacant rooms in the dormitories;

The procedure for concluding the Agreement for Accommodation and returning to live in the same dormitory room, where student has lived before moving-out, does not apply to students who will graduate or their exchange study period at VMU will be completed in Spring semester 2019-2020.

We would like to inform you, that during the implementation of this decision room reservations and changes will be limited and/or may take longer than usual. We are sorry for the inconveniences.

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: or phone number: (8 37) 751 175.

25 Percent Accommodation Fee Reduction Will be Granted

In accordance with the decisions of the working group, which was established to analyse and address relevant issues in the University dormitories during the nationwide quarantine announced by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Rector of the University has made following decisions: in order to reduce negative consequences of the quarantine situation for students, all students of Vytautas Magnus university, who have valid Agreements for Accommodation, will be granted  25 % accommodation fee reduction for a period from April 1st, 2020, to June 30th, 2020.

Accommodation fee reduction will be granted to all students of Vytautas Magnus university, who have been living in the dormitories on April 1st, 2020, or later. Accommodation fees will be updated by the following order:

  • If student of VMU has already paid the fees for April, he or she will have an overpayment once 25 % reduction will be applied;
  • If student of VMU has not yet paid the fees for April, he or she will have to pay 25 % lower fees once reduction will be applied;
  • If student of VMU has already moved-out of the dormitory after April 1st, 2020, he or she will have an overpayment or the fee will be 25 % lower (depending on whether resident has paid fees or not), once the reduction will be applied.

Accommodation fees will be recalculated by April 17th, 2020, and information will be updated on without prior notice. Accommodation fees for May and June will already be reduced by 25 %.

In case of questions, please contact:

Phone +370 37 75 11 75


University Initiates Supplemental Agreement to the Agreement for Accommodation

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university during the nationwide quarantine, announced by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, and subsequently after the quarantine, University hereby initiates Supplemental Agreement to the Agreement for Accommodation, that shall be concluded by all Residents of the dormitories of VMU. This supplemental agreement will be concluded by all new residents in the future, when it will be possible to provide accommodation in the dormitories for new residents.

The purpose of this Supplemental Agreement to the Agreement for Accommodation is to agree to follow public recommendations and instructions formulated by the Government of Republic of Lithuania and the University (dormitory), in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus and its management within the dormitory, and, in cases when at least one of the residents of the room (-s) have any COVID-19  virus symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties) all residents of the room (-s) will have to self-isolate themselves for mandatory period of isolation of 14 days by following instructions and terms of the dormitory Administration.

Request to sign the Agreement was send to every Resident personally, to the University’s mailbox as well as to the personal email address, known to the University. Agreements shall be signed electronically after logging in at the portal (when logging in with the personal username and password). University kindly asks for Your solidarity and understanding, therefore, please sign the Supplemental Agreement to the Agreement for Accommodation by April 9th, 2020 (including).

In case of questions, please contact:


Phone no. +370 37 751 175