Possibility to Keep Place of Residence Reserved During a Period of Remote Studies
In response to the increasingly complicated situation in Lithuania due to the risk of COVID-19, based on the recommendations by the Minister of Education, Science, and Sports, the Minister of Health, and the state-level emergency operations manager, as well as the Rector‘s order dated on October 23rd, 2020, „Regarding the Remote Implementation of the Study Process“, we want to inform that from October 30th, 2020, students who are moving out of the dormitory will have a right to keep their place of residence reserved for their return. Places of residence will remain reserved until the date of receiving student’s request to return to live in the dormitory; until the date of formal decision to resume studies in the auditoriums; or until the date of Rector’s order which would revoke this decision, but no longer than until the expiry date of Agreement for Accommodation signed for a reserved room (end of the academic year 2020/2021).
IMPORTANT: This decision is non applicable for non-VMU students and students of other higher education institutions, who are currently living in one of the dormitories of VMU.
From October 30th, 2020, students of VMU may move out of the dormitory on working days only, by registering at Dormitory’s day-time Administrator in the following order:
- returning keys and entrance card
- removing personal property out of the room
- leaving room clean
Once completing these steps, date of moving out will be confirmed by a responsible officer of dormitory’s administration, thus suspending further calculation of the accommodation fees.
Conditions for returning to live in your reserved place of residence in the Dormitory:
Student may return to live in the same room only once (one time) and for this he or she must contact Student Affairs Department by an email to studentas@vdu.lt, send no later than 3 working days before the intended date of arrival to the dormitory.
Procedure of moving into the room will be conducted in accordance to the Description of Procedure for Accommodation in the Dormitories (after student informs about his or her intentions to return to live in the dormitory, he or she will receive an email with a new Agreement for Accommodation; student will have to sign the Agreement and move into the dormitory in 3 working days after receiving it, thus resuming calculation of accommodation fees). 10EUR move-in fee will not be applied when student will return to live in the same room.
Place of residence will be lost in case of failure to follow this procedure or leaving and returning to the dormitory for the second time.
Students, who have contacted Student Centre and confirmed their intentions to return to live to the reserved room, but have failed to move into the dormitory during the set timeframe, are losing their room reservation and are considered as having used their right to keep their room reserved for a return.
IMPORTANT: students, who are changing their place of residence by moving from one room to another or from one dormitory to another, by reserving one of the available rooms on http://accommodation.vdu.lt/ loses right to keep their previous room reserved. Places of residence are not reserved for students who are completing or terminating their studies.
NOTE: in case of need to return to studies for a short period of time, students may reserve themselves guest rooms on http://accommodation.vdu.lt/ (number of places is limited), thus keeping their right to return to their permanent place of residence. Duration of short-term accommodation is up to 30 days.
In case of questions please contact us by email studentas@vdu.lt or phone (8 37) 751 175