After the end of the quarantine, announced by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the following restrictions will remain in place in order to prevent possible spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and it will be lifted by a separate order:
- Students will not be accommodated in the guest rooms for a short-term period (up to 30 days);
- suspension of all new guest-room reservations, made by current residents, shall still remain in effect (such reservation will be canceled).
In order to prevent the possible spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) new residents or guests of the dormitory must disinfect their hands and follow other safety measures while entering the dormitory. Dormitory administration keeps a right to measure the temperature of guests and not to allow to enter the building if there are any suspicions of possible symptoms of COVID-19 virus (fever, sore throat or difficulty in breathing).
The condition remain that both, new residents and guests of the dormitory, will be allowed to enter the dormitories only if:
- they did not develop a fever (37,7°C and above) and did not show signs of acute upper respiratory tract infections, acute intestinal infections and other communicable diseases (e.g. cough, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, etc.);
- does not suffer from chronic diseases specified in serious chronic diseases for which a person is issued a certificate of incapacity for work during an emergency of quarantine period;
- does not live with persons subjected to the necessary isolation due to the risk of the spread of coronavirus infection, or returned from it and performed the compulsory 14 days self-isolated period (except for the countries specified by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania).
Recommendations remain in place for students, who are currently living in the dormitory, and their guests not to gather in the dormitory; not to organize joint activities or gatherings in the room or in common areas, such as kitchen, smoking rooms, reading room, etc. (in case of failure to comply with this restriction, University keeps the right to impose disciplinary penalties). Other recommendations also remain in place:
14-day isolation remains mandatory for all persons arriving from foreign countries listed by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Students, who are arriving from the countries listed by the Government, must inform dormitory administration about intended date of arrival to the dormitory in advance. Isolation is also mandatory for students who have experienced symptoms of COVID-19 virus (fever, cough, sore throat or difficulty in breathing) or have interacted (was living together) with such a person. All these persons must self-isolate for the 14-days period; are banned from inviting guests to the dormitory; movement within and outside the dormitory (especially the kitchen). Such persons must immediately call the number 1808 and also contact dormitory’s administrator for further steps.

Students who have moved-out of the dormitory during the period from April 1st, 2020, to June 16th, 2020, may already return to live in their former dormitory rooms by submitting a request. Please note that rooms are reserved for the return only until July 31st, 2020. Residents, who will fail to submit their requests until this date, will lose their right to return to their former dormitory room. Moreover, after lifting quarantine measures, starting from June 17th, 2020, the possibility to move-out of the dormitory within 10 (ten) working days upon notification, while keeping room reserved until July 31st, is no longer valid.
Students, who after the quarantine have accumulated debts for accommodation services, must cover it no later than by August 31st, 2020. Students wishing to pay off their debts must personally present a written request together with a payment schedule by email to Student Centre; otherwise, on September 1st, 2020, after assessing the size of debt, disciplinary penalties will be imposed to all in debt residents or their Agreements for Accommodation will be terminated in accordance to the internal legislation acts of the University.
We want to remind that from July 1st, 2020,a general 25 % accommodation fee reduction will no longer be in effect. Starting from July residents will have to pay regular accommodation fees that were in effect until April 1st, 2020, except cases when type of a room is changing. For more information about changes of types of rooms and fees for accommodation, please read here.