Accommodation Season 2020/2021: Accommodation Fees Will Not Change, Triple Rooms Will No Longer Be Available

The Rector of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) has approved the accommodation fees applicable to the residents of the University dormitories, that will come into force from July 1st, 2020, and will be valid until June 30th, 2021. Prices for accommodation services, depending on room types, will not change compared to the ones that were applicable during academic year 2019/2020.

However, in order not only to improve the quality of individual living conditions but also respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, ensure its prevention and management in the dormitories, some changes are planned. For the abovementioned reasons University has made a decision to reduce the number of students living in the same room and starting from July 1st, 2020, three-beds rooms will no longer be available in the dormitories of VMU, where Agreements for Accommodation are concluded only for one academic year. These dormitories were chosen due to the frequent change of students who are moving-in and out of the dormitory, during and after the academic year.

Starting from July 1st, 2020, triple rooms will no longer be available in the dormitories:

  • No. 2, located at Vytauto str. 71, Kaunas
  • No. 5, located at Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas district
  • No. 6, located at A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius

Three-beds rooms will be converted to double (two-beds) rooms, but with the abandonment of triple rooms, changes of other types of rooms are intended in the dormitory No. 6, located at A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius. Considering the layout of this dormitory and the living space per person, the block type rooms will become single-bed (from two-beds room) and two-beds (from three-beds) rooms. As the room type changes, so does the accommodation fees in both this and other dormitories. However, as mentioned above, fees depending on the room types, compared to the academic year 2020/2021, will not change.