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The deadline for reservation accommodation in university dormitories has changed (available from 10.01)
Please be informed that due to the high demand of Vytautas Magnus University students for dormitory places, students of other higher education institutions (other than Vytautas Magnus University) who wish to stay in one of the dormitories offered by Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Academy (Kau...

The most important dates and terms of accommodation of 2021/2022
We would like to inform you about the most important dates and terms for the accommodation of foreign students in the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University during the Autumn semester of the 2021/2022 academic year: Date Accommodation of NEW international students, studying full-time or c...

Important information on the non-operation of VMU systems (2021.08.28)
Please be informed that this Saturday, 28 August (tentatively from 13:00 to 20:00), VMU will be carrying out electrical repair works. During this time, all VMU IT systems will be down, except Office 365 (including Outlook mail), which will only be accessible from an external, non-VMU network. Dur...

Conditions and Regulations for Students Arriving to the Dormitory (information updated 16.08.2021)
In order to ensure safety of the dormitory’s residents and staff members, for prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University, residents of the dormitories and students who are planning to move into them are asked to pay close atten...

Application for accommodation for current VMU students, who are not living in the dormitory
Vytautas Magnus University has opened an application for accommodation for current VMU international students who are currently not living in the dormitories but intend to be accommodated in the dormitories during the academic year 2021/2022 or just Autumn semester. Please note, that application for...

Application for Accommodation for New Incoming Students of 2021/2022
Vytautas Magnus University has opened an application for new incoming international students for accommodation in the dormitories of VMU during the academic year 2021/2022 or just Autumn semester. Please note, that this application is open only for new (first year) incoming full-time, Erasmus+, Bila...