It is recommended that students, who are currently living in the dormitory: do not gather in the dormitory; not organize activities or gatherings in rooms or in the common areas of the dormitory, such as kitchens, smoking rooms, reading rooms, etc. Meetings with friends are recommended in open spaces.
It is also recommended that the following preventive measures be continued:
- wash your hands regularly;
- avoid touching the face with hands;
- keep household clean and fresh;
- cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing;
- wear disposable gloves when going to the public places of the dormitory (residents shall purchase it themselves);
- avoid direct physical contact and keep a safe distance from others, especially in dormitory common areas;
- to wear a face mask in common areas (residents shall purchase it themselves);
- monitor your health, after experiencing possible symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, sore throat, or difficulty breathing) – inform the dormitory administration immediately.
Dormitory residents are allowed to receive guests at their place of residence during the day, as specified in the internal rules of dormitories, and to provide them with accommodation in accordance with the procedure specified by VMU, provided that they do not require self-isolation.
We kindly ask our students, who are moving into the dormitory for the first time, to be reasonable and socially responsible:
Before your departure to Lithuania:
Upon your arrival (moving), at the dormitory’s Administration you shall:
- when entering the building use the hand sanitizer at the entrance;
- check your body temperature;
- sincerely answer questions of the Administrator of Dormitory. Monitor the list of countries effected by coronavirus (COVID-19) regularly and inform dormitory’s administration immediately if you are returning from one them;
- Isolate yourself in the dormitory room allocated by Vytautas Magnus University and follow mandatory conditions of self-isolation.
- follow recommendations for COVID-19 prevention in the dormitories of VMU (if you do not need to isolate yourself).
In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) within the dormitory, all students who have been diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19) or have come into contact with such people and live in the dormitory must immediately contact dormitory’s administrator and Student Centre by an email and be isolated in accordance with the procedures specified by the dormitory’s administration (in case of failure to comply with this order, University keeps the right to impose disciplinary penalties and notify law enforcement authorities).
Please be informed that in order to ensure safety of other residents and employees of the dormitory, during the period of isolation you cannot leave the room (cannot use shared premises, such as hallways, kitchens, smoking rooms; etc).
During the period of self-isolation we highly recommend you to use following and similar websites websites regarding the meals’ ordering:
If you need pharmacy services (medicines, supplements, vitamins, etc.), we recommend to use this and similar websites:
If during your isolation period you will experience sudden severe signs of respiratory tract infections – high fever and/or difficulties breathing, you should immediately call the emergency number 112.
The following web pages also provide important COVID-19 information for Lithuania: and
During these difficult times, it is necessary to take care of your mental health as well and if you need psychological support please contact VMU International Cooperation Department (ICD) by email and register for an appointment with a psychologist.