Isolation Exemptions For Residents Arriving From Abroad

In accordance to the information of the National Public Health Center (NPHC) following residents of VMU dormitories, who are arriving/returning from abroad, may be granted testing and self-isolation exemptions:

  • those holding a medical document confirming that they recovered from coronavirus diagnosed on the basis of a positive COVID-19 PCR test or an antigen test and that maximum 180 days have passed from the positive testing until the return/entry to the of Lithuania;
  • those holding a medical document, a country-specific vaccination certificate, or an international vaccination certificate confirming that they have gone through the full programme of COVID-19 vaccination with vaccine registered in the Europen Union Register of Medicinal Products.

IMPORTANT: Persons, who wants to use isolation exemptions possibilities, must send the documents (in Lithuanian, English or Russian language) confirming the results of the COVID-19 test or vaccination or recovery to the Student Centre by an email before coming to Lithuania and get permission to not be isolated.

The applicable self-isolation exemption will also have to be noted in the NPHC online registration form. The documentation supporting the exemption will have to be shown at a request by the NPHC staff or officers in charge of checks for compliance with isolation requirements.

More information is published on the website of NHPC

Important information on a mandatory self-isolation and restrictions in dormitories is published here.

If you have any questions, please contact VMU Student Centre (SAD) by an email or by phone +370 37 751 175

Coffee and Snack Vending Machines Placed in VMU Dormitories No. 2, 5 and 6

New coffee and snack vending machines were placed in VMU dormitories No. 2 “Baltija” (Vytauto str. 71, Kaunas), No. 5 (Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas District) and No. 6 “Vivulskis” (A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius).

In dormitory No. 2 “Baltija” coffee and snack vending machines are placed on the ground floor lobby. You can pay for the goods with both cash and a bank card.

In dormitory No. 5 coffee and snack vending machines are placed on the ground floor lobby. So far, for coffee or snacks, you can pay only in cash, but it will soon be possible to pay by a bank card.

In dormitory No. 6 “Vivulskis” coffee and snack machines are placed on the first floor.  You can pay for the goods with both cash and a bank card.

A Survey of the Quality of Accommodation Services is Being Conducted

Last year, at the initiative of the VMU Student Affairs department, a university-level „Survey of the Quality of Accommodation Services“ is being conducted for the very first time. The purpose of the survey is to find out the opinion of persons living in VMU dormitories about accommodation conditions and provided services.

We kindly invite students who live in VMU dormitories in Kaunas, Akademija (Kaunas District), or Vilnius to participate in this year’s survey and evaluate their opinions and suggestions, which would help to improve the performance and services provided in dormitories. We are hoping for ~10 minutes of your time, that you would dedicate to completing this questionnaire. The link to the survey was sent to all the residents by e-mail to their personal e-mail addresses. We invite you to fill in the survey by May 26, 2021. 

Taking into account the results of last year survey, in order to create favorable and comfortable living conditions for students living in VMU dormitories, certain changes in dormitories have been implemented and certain goals for 2021 have been set:


No. Dormitory Major changes that were made during 2020 Planned activities for year 2021
1 No. 2, located at the address Vytauto  pr. 71, Kaunas

Changed types of rooms, since Autumn 2020 there are single-bed, two-bed rooms or single-bed/two-bed in the block of rooms. Locking of kitchens during night has been abandoned; set schedules for room cleaning; sink strainers placed in kitchens’ sinks; repaired table of ping pong;


Broken refrigerators were replaced with new ones (refrigerators were also placed in the guest rooms).

It is planned to install recycling containers.
2 No. 5, located at the address Universiteto st. 8, Akademija, Kaunas District Installed surveillance cameras and WiFi throughout the entire dormitory; created separate premises for playing music; lobbies of the fire staircases were turned into areas that are being used by students (for their leisure time, reading rooms, sports activities, meetings) by isolating lounge with a separate doors; newly constructed two kitchens (installed new induction hot plates, new ovens, kitchen worktops, sink strainers placed in the sinks);  hot plates installed in the guest rooms; snack and coffee vending machines placed in the dormitory.

Some kitchens will be renovated.

An outdoor bicycle parking space will be installed.

Newly renovated rooms on the 1st floor, where students will be able to be accommodated in single-bed or two-bed rooms, by also creating an equipped kitchen.

It is planned to install recycling containers.

Snack and coffee vending machines planned to be placed.

3 No. 6, located at the address A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius

Extended WiFi zones – they were installed at 11th, 4th and 1st floor; surveillance cameras installed on 11th, 4th and 1st floor; introduced SALTO entrance system;

Established two block rooms on the 1st floor, designed for students with disabilities; renovated 1st floor: moved washing machine, constructed an equipped kitchen, rooms for guests; constructed and repaired kitchens on each floor of the dormitory.

Planned major repairs of the 3rd floor;

It is planned to install surveillance cameras and WiFi throughout the entire dormitory;

It is planned to create a reading room, leisure and sports area on the 12th floor.

Also in 2020 the guest room reservation system and its portal were updated. In 2021, it is planned to change the student room reservation portal and reservation system to make it more user-friendly.

It is intended to conduct this survey every year in the future in order to compare the results and to deliver changes of accommodation services. Summarised results will be also published on

Thank you for your active participation and contribution.

Accommodation for other (not VMU) students (information updated 03.08)

Please be informed that accommodation of students of other (non-VMU) higher education institutions is opened under the following conditions:

  • Students must be living in Lithuania for at least 14 days prior to the application and have not had contact with persons known to be infected with COVID-19 (self-isolation in the dormitory is not permitted);
  • Students may reserve one of the available rooms on the List of Vacant Rooms while uploading required documents (Certificate of Student Status issued by the higher education institution and an additional document proving that person was in Lithuania for the last 14 days);
  • After receiving confirmation of reservation, within 3 working days, the student needs to sign an Agreement for Accommodation and move into the dormitory. Students are accommodated only on weekdays from 9 AM (9:00) to 3 PM (15:00).

University keeps a right to not accommodate students, even after confirming the reservation, signing the Accommodation Agreement, and completing the specified procedure, if their health condition is not satisfactory (student has symptoms of COVID-19) or for other reasons, due to which persons does not meet the specified requirements.

Conditions of accommodation may be changed upon the recommendation of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) or by the decision of the university depending on the epidemiological situation. The updated conditions are published on the website, in the News section (the conditions come into force from the date of publication).

In case of questions please contact Student Centre (Student Affairs Department):

Information for Students who are Keeping Rooms Reserved for a Return

We would like to inform you that students of Vytautas Magnus University, who have temporarily moved out of their place of residence in the dormitory with a possibility to keep it reserved for their return, will be contacted by e-mail with instructions on how to sign their new Agreement for Accommodation.

Terms of the new Agreement for Accommodation will be the same as in the Agreement, which was terminated before a departure. The new Agreement for Accommodation must be signed from the date of receiving an email but no later than by June 30, 2021. Only students who have signed their new Agreement for Accommodation will have the right to move back into the dormitory. In case of not signing the Agreement and not moving into a dormitory before June 30, 2021, reserved places of residence and signed Agreements for Accommodation will be considered invalid and reservations will be canceled.

IMPORTANT: fees for accommodation will start to be calculated from the date of moving into the dormitory.

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: or phone: (8 37) 751 175.


Attribution and payment of university fees from 02.01

We would like to inform you that from February 1st, 2021, the visual representation of fees information on your Student Portal will change. Please note, that fees will be charged for a specific period and not for the semester.

An example of a previous version of visual representation:

An example of a new version of visual representation:

We would also like to remind you that, payments for the University will primarily be used to pay previous debts (if there are any), and therefore you will not be able to pay the latest fees without paying your debts.

No further actions of students are required regarding these changes.

In case of questions or innaccuracies,  please contact Student Centre by an e-mail sent to

Information for Student’s who Have Moved-out of the Dormitory and are Planning their Return

We want to inform that students who have moved out of the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university (VMU) after October 30th, 2020, and are planning to return to the rooms reserved for them or students who are returning to the dormitory after a trip abroad (who have not completed a formal checkout of the dormitory), must inform University about it by submitting this form. Otherwise, students will not be allowed to enter and be accommodated in the dormitory.

We remind that places of residence will remain reserved until the date of receiving student’s request to return to live in the dormitory; until the date of formal decision to resume studies in the auditoriums; or until the date of Rector’s order which would revoke this decision, but no longer than until the expiry date of Agreement for Accommodation signed for a reserved room (end of the academic year 2020/2021)

Information about intended return to the dormitory must be notified to the University no later than one week before the arrival, by indicating the country from which the return will take place.

For more information please contact:

Student centre (Student Affairs Department)

Phone: (8 37) 751 175


Application for Accommodation for New Incoming Students for 2020/2021 Spring Semester

Vytautas Magnus University has opened an application for new incoming international students for accommodation in the dormitories of VMU during 2020/2021 Spring semester.

Application for the autumn semester of 2021 / 2022 will start in the summer. Follow the information on “News” section. 

For more information:

Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)

Phone: +370 37 751 175


Information on Maintaining Order and Cleanliness in the Common Areas of the Dormitories

In order to maintain order and cleanliness in the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university and after taking into consideration survey results of the residents of VMU dormitories related to maintenance of cleanliness in common areas, we kindly ask dormitory residents to pay attention to the schedules prepared by the Administration of the dormitory and to follow them starting from November 16th, 2020. This procedure was already used in VMU dormitories no. 1 “Taika” and no. 2 “Baltija” and from November 16th it shall come into force in all dormitories of the University.

Dormitory cleaners will continue to clean kitchens during the week, however, in order to maintain a cozy and pleasant environment (especially when cleaners are not in attendance, i. e. on weekends and during public holidays), we kindly ask you to show your solidarity and community spirit and to follow the on-call schedules in blocks of rooms as well as in kitchen areas.

Please note, that, if due to personal reasons, you are not in the dormitory during the designated on-call time, we recommend you to ask your roommates, block-mates or friends to carry out your duties at this time (change on-call times among yourselves).

We want to emphasize, that the duty of residents to maintain cleanliness and order in the common areas of dormitories is also specified in the internal rules of dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university in the following sections:

  1. Resident is obliged:

3.15. To maintain cleanliness and order, to maintain and protect equipment, inventory and other property kept in the room or the public (common) areas of the dormitory;

3.16. To fulfil obligations set by the University to the Resident, that are related to maintaining cleanliness and order in public (common) areas of the dormitory.

Thank You all for Your understanding and cooperation!

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: or by phone: (8 37) 751 175.

Important Information for Residents of the Dormitory No. 5

We want to inform you that from now wireless internet is available on all VMU Dormitory No. 5 floors.

Instructions on how to connect to VMU Wi-Fi is published here.

Moreover, surveillance cameras are installed on all floors of the dormitory.

If you have any questions please contact us by e-mail: or by phone: (8 37) 751 175