Wanted Dormitory Chairperson in VMU Dormitory No. 6
Vytautas Magnus University, has announced the election to the Dormitory’s Council, which is organized in accordance to VMU Dormitory Self-government regulations.
The Chairperson of Dormitory Council is still wanted in VMU dormitory No. 6, so we invite the residents of this dormitory become the Chairperson, if you:
- are student of VMU;
- are motivated;
- have skills of time management;
- have experience in social activities;
- live in this dormitory;
- your activities within the University are appraised only positively.
The Chairperson of Dormitory Council has:
- carry out social and cultural activities;
- maintain integrity of community;
- represent interests of dormitory Residents in University’s (dormitory’s) administration;
- represent University (dormitory) requirements among residents;
- mediate in case of misunderstandings or problems between residents or residents and administration.
After becoming a Chairperson, you will be exempted from paying dormitory accommodation fees for academic year (starting at November) 2020 / 2021.
If you are interested to become a Chairperson of VMU Dormitory No. 6, submit your application and participate in the competition for a position until 25th of October 2020.
More information about Dormitory’s Self-government you can find here.
Important information for dormitory No. 5 residents about guest receiving
In order to ensure safety of residents and staff members while preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and managing it within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university, we ask the residents of dormitory No. 5 note that:
- from October 5, it is strictly forbidden to receiving guests into the dormitory No. 5. If you want to meet your friends, we recommend do it outdoors;
- we also note that from now on dormitory No. 5 quite time are extended – from 6 p. m. until 8 a. m. (this procedure is valid until further notice).
For other dormitory residents we recommend to avoid receiving guests during the day, but if they are accepted, strictly follow all COVID-19 prevention measures (wear face masks, keep safe distance, disinfect hands when entering the dormitory, etc.).
In other VMU dormitories from 8 p. m. until 8 a. m. – there is a quite time in the dormitory, therefore it is strictly forbidden to receive guests (this procedure is valid until further notice).
Thank you for understanding and cooperation.
If you have any questions, contact us by e-mail: studentas@vdu.lt or by phone (8 37) 751 175
Stand for election to the Dormitory‘s Council
Vytautas Magnus University, has announced the election to the Dormitory’s Council, which is organized in accordance to VMU Dormitory Self-government regulations.
If you are living in VMU dormitory No. 2 Vytauto pr. 71 (BALTIJA), Kaunas, No. 6 A. Vivulskio str. 36 (VIVULSKIS), Vilnius or No. 5 Universiteto str. 8 Akademija, Kaunas District and you are interested to become the Chairperson of Dormitory’s Council then all you need to do is to fill this electronic application until 1st of October, 2020 and to comply the following criteria:
- you have to study in Vytautas Magnus University
- you have to be motivated
- you have to make a one-year activities plan for the Council
- you have to have experience in social activities
- have to live in one of VMU dormitory
- you cannot have penalties for infringements of the University internal legal acts
The Chairperson of the Dormitory’s Council is elected in three stages:
I stage – candidate applies for this position, by filling this questionnaire until October 1st, 2020, 12 a. m.
II stage – candidates selected by the Students’ Representative Council and the Student Affairs Department are invited to attend the meeting of Selection committee
III stage – candidates has to participate in Election of Dormitory Council’s Chairperson which will be held in general meeting of residents of the dormitory
Person who is interested to become the Chairperson of the Dormitory’s Council together with the electronic application form has to submit following information:
- personal data
- a letter of motivation
- to describe in a narrative form a one-year activities plan of Dormitory’s council
- curriculum vitae (CV)
Dormitory’s Council and the Chairperson
We want to remind you, that the chairperson has a right and power to form and manage Dormitory’s Council.
The elected chairperson of the dormitory will be exempted from payment of the accommodation fee for 2020 / 2021 academic year (from 1st of October 2020 until 30th of June 2021).
The main purpose of Dormitory’s council is to help the Chairperson to implement following objectives:
- to represent the interests of the dormitory residents in University’s (dormitory’s) administration
- to represent University (dormitory) requirements among residents
- to maintain the integrity of community
- to carry out social and cultural activities
- to mediate in cases of misunderstandings or problems between residents or residents and administration
The Chairperson of the Dormitory’s Council is elected annually in the beginning of each academic year by the general meeting of residents of the dormitory after the selection procedure performed by the Student’s Representative Council and Student Affairs Department.
More information about dormitory’s self-government
For more information please contact
Student Affairs Department
Address: S. Daukanto str. 27-210, Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 751 175
E-mail: studentas@vdu.lt
Website: http://accommodation.vdu.lt
Important Information for Students Moving into Dormitories (information updated 09.16)
In order to ensure safety of residents and staff members while preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and managing it within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university, we kindly ask our students who are returning or moving into the dormitory for a first time, to be reasonable and socially responsible:
- Give prior notification by an email arrival@vdu.lt in cases when in accordance with a decision of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania 14-day self-isolation is mandatory for you upon your arrival to Lithuania from COVID-19 affected countries. In the email you should specify country from which you are travelling; type of transport; date, time and place where you will be arriving to; and register at National Public Health Centre under the Ministry of Health by filling in an electronic form on https://keleiviams.nvsc.lt/en/form;
- Follow instructions of administrative staff members of Vytautas Magnus University;
- Isolate yourself in the dormitory, allocated by Vytautas Magnus University and follow mandatory conditions of self-isolation.
IMPORTANT: if you have had a COVID-19 test and have a positive answer, then please immediately inform the administrator of the dormitory where you live (regardless of where you are isolated).
Upon your arrival (moving into) at the dormitory’s Administration you shall:
- When entering the building, always use the hand sanitizer at the entrance;
- Check your body temperature;
- Sincerely answer questions from the Administrator of Dormitory. Monitor the list of countries effected by coronavirus (COVID-19) regularly and inform the dormitory administration immediately if you return from them;
- Follow recommendation for COVID-19 prevention in the dormitories of VMU (if you do not need to isolate yourself).
We recommended that dormitory residents avoid receiving guests during the day, but if they are accepted, strictly follow all COVID-19 prevention measures (wear face masks, keep safe distance, disinfect hands when entering the dormitory, etc.).
From 8 p. m. until 8 a. m. – there is a quite time in the dormitory, therefore it is strictly forbidden to receive guests (this procedure is valid until further notice).
Thank you for understanding and cooperation.
In case of questions please contact us by email studentas@vdu.lt or by phone +370 37 751 175
Application for accommodation for current students, who are not living in the dormitory
Vytautas Magnus University has opened an application for accommodation for current VMU international students who are currently not living in the dormitories but intend to be accommodated in the dormitories during the academic year 2020/2021 or just Autumn semester. Please note, that application for accommodation for new (first year) incoming full-time, Erasmus+, Bilateral or other international exchange students is still open (more information about that you can find here).
In order to reserve place of residence in one of the dormitories of VMU, all current international students, who are currently not living in the dormitory must follow this procedure:
- learn about our dormitories, its’ location, price for accommodation services, living conditions, etc. (Dormitories);
- login to the online accommodation system (VMU Students accommodation) with your personal VMU credentials (username and password) and reserve one of the places for residence from the provided list on Dormitories / Accommodation in Student Rooms (number of places in the dormitories is limited but the list is being constantly updated, therefore it is recommended to check it regularly);
- receive an e-mail about reservation confirmation. This e-mail means, that room of your choice will be reserved for you until 31st of August, 2020;
- receive our second e-mail with instructions on how to sign your online Agreement for Accommodation, sign it, and be allowed to move-in into the dormitory starting from August 17th until August 31st (if you are planning to move-in after the 31st of August, 2020, you shall contact Student Centre by sending an e-mail to studentas@vdu.lt and informing about your intended date of arrival. In all cases you will have to pay accommodation fees starting from 1st of September, 2020), otherwise your room reservation will be cancelled.
Other, non-VMU, students could apply for housing in the dormitories of VMU:
- in dormitories, which are located in Kaunas and Akademija (Kaunas district) – only starting from September 14th, 2020;
- in dormitory, which located in Vilnius (A. Vivulskio str. 36), all non-VMU students, could apply starting from August 1st, 2020 in this order:
– choose a preferred type of room from the list (Accommodation fees) and contact Student Centre by an e-mail studentas@vdu.lt and specify:
- Your chosen type of room (e.g. Single-bed room – 6 EUR/day) or several by listing it in a priority manner (e.g. Single-bed room – 6 EUR/day; Single-bed room in a block of rooms – 5 EUR/day, etc.);
- Your full name, surname, passport no., personal email address;
- Present (attach to an e-mail) document of Lithuanian higher education institution, that proves your student status.
– receive and e-mail from studentas@vdu.lt with instructions on how to sign your online Agreement for Accommodation, sign it, and be allowed to move-in into the dormitory starting from August 17th until August 31st (if you are planning to move-in after the 31st of August, 2020, you shall contact Student Centre by sending an e-mail to studentas@vdu.lt and informing about your intended date of arrival. In all cases you will have to pay accommodation fees starting from 1st of September, 2020), otherwise your room reservation will be cancelled.
IMPORTANT: along with the information about accommodation, students will receive all the necessary information about the accommodation conditions related to COVID-19.
For more information:
Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)
Address: S. Daukanto g. 27, Room 206, Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 751 175
E-mail: studentas@vdu.lt
Application for Accommodation for New Incoming Students of 2020/2021
Vytautas Magnus University has opened an application for new incoming international students for accommodation in the dormitories of VMU during the academic year 2020/2021 or Autumn semester. Please note, that this application is open only for new (first year) incoming full-time, Erasmus+, Bilateral or other international exchange students. Other, higher year students, who are currently not living in the dormitories of VMU, would be allowed to reserve one of the rooms for new academic year only starting from August 1st, 2020.
Note, that application is open only for students, who have already signed their Learning Agreements (for more information about signing it, please contact International Cooperation department).
In order to reserve place of residence in one of the dormitories of VMU, all new incoming first-year international students must follow this procedure:
- learn about our dormitories, its’ location, price for accommodation services, living conditions, etc. (Dormitories)
- create yourself a personal account on the online accommodation system (Accommodation for others)
- login to the online accommodation system (Accommodation for others) with your personal credentials (username and password) and reserve one of the places for residence from the provided list on Accommodation in Student Rooms (Number of places in the dormitories is limited but the list is being constantly updated, therefore it is recommended to check it regularly)
- receive an e-mail about reservation confirmation. This e-mail means, that room of your choice will be reserved for you until 31st of August, 2020
- receive our second e-mail with instructions on how to sign your online Agreement for Accommodation, sign it, and be allowed to move-in into the dormitory starting from August 17th until August 31st (if you are planning to move-in after the 31st of August, 2020, you shall contact Student Centre by sending an e-mail to studentas@vdu.lt and informing about your intended date of arrival. In all cases you will have to pay accommodation fees starting from 1st of September, 2020), otherwise your room reservation will be cancelled.
Other, non-VMU, students could apply for housing in the dormitories of VMU:
- In dormitories, which are located in Kaunas and Akademija, Kaunas dstr. – only starting from September 14th, 2020.
- In dormitory, which is located in Vilnius, only starting from August 1st, 2020
For more information
Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)
Address S. Daukanto g. 27, Room 206, Kaunas
Phone +370 37 751 175
E-mail studentas@vdu.lt
Possibility to Return to the Dormitory for Those who Have Moved-out After April 1st, 2020
Students who have moved-out of the VMU dormitory from April 1st, 2020, until June 16th, 2020, after the end of quarantine announced by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, are allowed to return to their former dormitory rooms by submitting a request form. Students may move-in into the dormitory on the dates specified in their request, but no later than August 1st, 2020.
We want to remind you that rooms of VMU students who have moved-out of the dormitory after April 1st, 2020, are reserved for their return only until July 31st, 2020, (except cases when residents have already cancelled their reservations; their studies or visiting period ends in the Spring semester of 2019\2020). After July 31st, 2020, students who haves failed to submit their requests, will lose their right to return to their former dormitory rooms.
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail studentas@vdu.lt or phone number: (8 37) 751 175
Changes in the Dormitories of VMU, Related to the End of Quarantine Announced by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Upon the decision of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania to lift quarantine in Lithuania, from June 17th, 2020, the conditions of accommodation in the dormitories of VMU are changing: with some restrictions residents will be allowed to invite guests to the dormitory during the day time; students, who have moved-out of the dormitory after April 1st, 2020, are allowed to return to live to their former rooms; and others. We invite you to learn about the changes in detail:
Restrictions that remain in place and easing of it
Requirements and reccommendations for new arriving residents and guests
Recommendations for current residents of the dormitory
Isolation remains mandatory
Possibility to return to the dormitory for those, who have moved-out after April 1st, 2020
Dormitory debs must be covered before August 31st, 2020
From July 1st, 2020, 25 % reduction of an accommodation fee will no longer be in effect
For more information, please contact VMU Student Centre by e-mail: studentas@vdu.lt or phone: (8 37) 751 175.
Accommodation Season 2020/2021: Accommodation Fees Will Not Change, Triple Rooms Will No Longer Be Available
The Rector of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) has approved the accommodation fees applicable to the residents of the University dormitories, that will come into force from July 1st, 2020, and will be valid until June 30th, 2021. Prices for accommodation services, depending on room types, will not change compared to the ones that were applicable during academic year 2019/2020.
However, in order not only to improve the quality of individual living conditions but also respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, ensure its prevention and management in the dormitories, some changes are planned. For the abovementioned reasons University has made a decision to reduce the number of students living in the same room and starting from July 1st, 2020, three-beds rooms will no longer be available in the dormitories of VMU, where Agreements for Accommodation are concluded only for one academic year. These dormitories were chosen due to the frequent change of students who are moving-in and out of the dormitory, during and after the academic year.
Starting from July 1st, 2020, triple rooms will no longer be available in the dormitories:
- No. 2, located at Vytauto str. 71, Kaunas
- No. 5, located at Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas district
- No. 6, located at A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius
Three-beds rooms will be converted to double (two-beds) rooms, but with the abandonment of triple rooms, changes of other types of rooms are intended in the dormitory No. 6, located at A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius. Considering the layout of this dormitory and the living space per person, the block type rooms will become single-bed (from two-beds room) and two-beds (from three-beds) rooms. As the room type changes, so does the accommodation fees in both this and other dormitories. However, as mentioned above, fees depending on the room types, compared to the academic year 2020/2021, will not change.
At the end of the quarantine, it is planned to inspect the dormitory rooms
At the end of the quarantine (after June 17th), without a separate warning, it is planned to carry out a scheduled inspection of the rooms in the dormitories.
Residents, who have failed to meet the conditions laid down in the Agreement for Accommodation or who have violated the Internal Rules of the Dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University and who have been subject to disciplinary action:
- 10 Euro for a remark;
- 15 Euro for a warning;
- 20 Euro for a strict warning