Application for accommodation for current students, who are not living in the dormitory
Vytautas Magnus University has opened an application for accommodation for current VMU international students who are currently not living in the dormitories but intend to be accommodated in the dormitories during the academic year 2020/2021 or just Autumn semester. Please note, that application for accommodation for new (first year) incoming full-time, Erasmus+, Bilateral or other international exchange students is still open (more information about that you can find here).
In order to reserve place of residence in one of the dormitories of VMU, all current international students, who are currently not living in the dormitory must follow this procedure:
- learn about our dormitories, its’ location, price for accommodation services, living conditions, etc. (Dormitories);
- login to the online accommodation system (VMU Students accommodation) with your personal VMU credentials (username and password) and reserve one of the places for residence from the provided list on Dormitories / Accommodation in Student Rooms (number of places in the dormitories is limited but the list is being constantly updated, therefore it is recommended to check it regularly);
- receive an e-mail about reservation confirmation. This e-mail means, that room of your choice will be reserved for you until 31st of August, 2020;
- receive our second e-mail with instructions on how to sign your online Agreement for Accommodation, sign it, and be allowed to move-in into the dormitory starting from August 17th until August 31st (if you are planning to move-in after the 31st of August, 2020, you shall contact Student Centre by sending an e-mail to and informing about your intended date of arrival. In all cases you will have to pay accommodation fees starting from 1st of September, 2020), otherwise your room reservation will be cancelled.
Other, non-VMU, students could apply for housing in the dormitories of VMU:
- in dormitories, which are located in Kaunas and Akademija (Kaunas district) – only starting from September 14th, 2020;
- in dormitory, which located in Vilnius (A. Vivulskio str. 36), all non-VMU students, could apply starting from August 1st, 2020 in this order:
– choose a preferred type of room from the list (Accommodation fees) and contact Student Centre by an e-mail and specify:
- Your chosen type of room (e.g. Single-bed room – 6 EUR/day) or several by listing it in a priority manner (e.g. Single-bed room – 6 EUR/day; Single-bed room in a block of rooms – 5 EUR/day, etc.);
- Your full name, surname, passport no., personal email address;
- Present (attach to an e-mail) document of Lithuanian higher education institution, that proves your student status.
– receive and e-mail from with instructions on how to sign your online Agreement for Accommodation, sign it, and be allowed to move-in into the dormitory starting from August 17th until August 31st (if you are planning to move-in after the 31st of August, 2020, you shall contact Student Centre by sending an e-mail to and informing about your intended date of arrival. In all cases you will have to pay accommodation fees starting from 1st of September, 2020), otherwise your room reservation will be cancelled.
IMPORTANT: along with the information about accommodation, students will receive all the necessary information about the accommodation conditions related to COVID-19.
For more information:
Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)
Address: S. Daukanto g. 27, Room 206, Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 751 175