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Possibility to Keep Place of Residence Reserved During a Period of Remote Studies
In response to the increasingly complicated situation in Lithuania due to the risk of COVID-19, based on the recommendations by the Minister of Education, Science, and Sports, the Minister of Health, and the state-level emergency operations manager, as well as the Rector‘s order dated on October 23r...

Wanted Dormitory Chairperson in VMU Dormitory No. 6
Vytautas Magnus University, has announced the election to the Dormitory's Council, which is organized in accordance to VMU Dormitory Self-government regulations. The Chairperson of Dormitory Council is still wanted in VMU dormitory No. 6, so we invite the residents of this dormitory become the Chai...

Important information for dormitory No. 5 residents about guest receiving
In order to ensure safety of residents and staff members while preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and managing it within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university, we ask the residents of dormitory No. 5 note that: from October 5, it is strictly forbidden to receiving guests ...

Stand for election to the Dormitory‘s Council
Vytautas Magnus University, has announced the election to the Dormitory's Council, which is organized in accordance to VMU Dormitory Self-government regulations. If you are living in VMU dormitory No. 2 Vytauto pr. 71 (BALTIJA), Kaunas, No. 6 A. Vivulskio str. 36 (VIVULSKIS), Vilnius or No. 5 Unive...

Important Information for Students Moving into Dormitories (information updated 09.16)
In order to ensure safety of residents and staff members while preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and managing it within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university, we kindly ask our students who are returning or moving into the dormitory for a first time, to be reasonable and social...

Application for accommodation for current students, who are not living in the dormitory
Vytautas Magnus University has opened an application for accommodation for current VMU international students who are currently not living in the dormitories but intend to be accommodated in the dormitories during the academic year 2020/2021 or just Autumn semester. Please note, that application for...