Reminder about COVID-19 prevention in VMU dormitories

To comply with coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention measures in the dormitory, students must comply with the following prevention measures:

  • wash hands and use a hand sanitiser regularly;
  • avoid touching face with hands;
  • keep household clean and ventilated;
  • cover the mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing;
  • wear disposable gloves in the public areas of the dormitory (residents shall purchase them themselves);
  • avoid direct physical contact and keep a safe distance from others, especially in the kitchen and other common areas;
  • wear medical face masks in the public areas of the dormitory (residents shall purchase them themselves);
  • keep an eye on your health condition and inform the dormitory management immediately if you feel any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, sore throat or difficulty breathing).

For more information on COVID-19 prevention at the University, click here.