Information on end dates and conditions for free-of-charge room reservations, granted during the period of remote studies
In response to the increasingly complicated epidemiological situation in Lithuania due to the risks of COVID-19, Government of the Republic of Lithuania announced nationwide quarantine and University has made decision to organise studies remotely until the end of academic year of 2020-2021. Therefore, since October 30th, 2020 (including), after their departure students were granted a possibility to keep their place of residence reserved free of charge, by following conditions set by the University.
The Spring semester of 2020-2021 ends on June 30th, 2021, and at the end of it free-of-charge reservation of places of residence in the dormitories will no longer be granted. Students, who want to keep their rooms reserved after July 1st, 2021, will have to return to the dormitory under the conditions set by the University and pay regular accommodation fees. For students, who has moved-out of the dormitory and will not return to it by June 30th, 2021, those places of residence will no longer be reserved for their return.
Students, who want to return to live in their place of residence, which was kept reserved until June 30th, 2021, and who wishes to keep it reserved after July 1st, 2021, shall register for an extension of Agreement of Accommodation for period of summer or one academic year (until June 30th, 2022, including period of summer 2020).
IMPORTANT: for students, who will return to their reserved place of residence and whose Agreements for Accommodation will be extended, fees for accommodation will be calculated from the date of check-in, but no later than from July 1st, 2021 (move-in fee will not be charged).
Students, who will be returning to their reserved places of residence and who will need to self-isolate upon their return to Lithuania, should send copies of their travel tickets and confirmed arriving date to at least one week before their arrival to Lithuania. VMU Student Centre will contact each student personally regarding their self-isolation, in accordance with the regulations of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. You may read full information about the self-isolation conditions here. Starting from June 1st, 2021, students, who will be returning to their reserved places of residence, will only need to pay regular fees for a reserved room during the period of self-isolation.
Students, who by June 30th, 2021, do not intend to return to live in the rooms that were kept reserved for them free-of charge, from July 1st, 2021, will lose a right to return to it. However, these students will be able to reserve a new place of residence in the dormitory from August 2nd, 2021. The most important dates of 2021-2022, related to accommodation in the dormitories of VMU, can be found here.
In case of questions please contact Student Centre (Student Affairs Department) by email or by phone no. + 370 37 751 175