Due renovation in dormitory No. 5
Vytautas Magnus University have launched dormitory No. 5 (address Universiteteto g. 8 Academy, Kaunas district) renovation work in the ground floor of the dormitory in order to improve the current living conditions of students, because of that:
- Residents, who are wishing to access other floors will need to use an auxiliary staircase;
- during the renovation, the elevator in this dormitory will run only between the II-V floor;
- in the other place in ground floor is alocated centralized administration of the dormitories in the Academy.
During the renovation might by available temporary electricity, water and others supply interruptions, may happens working noise caused.
Estimated time of renovation works end – 31.08.2024
We apologize for the inconvenience and noise caused.
For more information please contact:
- Dormitory administration
- Address: University st. 8, Academy, Kaunas district
- Phone: (8 37) 752 256, (8 37) 752 258, mobile tel. : +370 6 552 3783
- E-mail: akademija@vdu.lt