New Chairpersons of the VMU Dormitory Councils elected
Following the election of the Chairpersons of the VMU Dormitory Councils at the beginning of October, the new Chairpersons of the VMU Dormitory Councils have been elected and are now starting their work in the dormitories.
The new dormitory council presidents will have the opportunity to form a dormitory council, which, unlike before, will be composed of at least 4 floor elders. The main job of the Dormitory Council is to lead and collectively represent the interests of the residents of the dormitory, to be involved in solving problems, to carry out various activities and to foster and develop community spirit.
Each VMU dormitory (except dormitory No. 6) has elected new dormitory council chairs, who can be found here: Dormitories self-government
Stand for re-election to the VMU Dormitory‘s Council
Vytautas Magnus University has announced the re-election of the dormitory Council, which is organised in accordance with VMU Dormitory Self-Government regulations.
If you are living in VMU dormitory No. 6 A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius and you are interested to become the Chairperson of Dormitory‘s Council then all you need to do is to fill this electronic application until 13th of October, 2021 and to comply the following criteria:
- are motivated student of VMU;
- have skills of time management and experience in social activities;
- have experience of living in the dormitory;
- your activities within the University are appraised only positively.
- carry out social and cultural activities;
- maintain integrity of community;
- represent interests of dormitory Residents in University‘s (dormitory‘s) administration;
- represent University (dormitory) requirements among residents;
- mediate in cases of misunderstandings or problems between residents or residents and administration.
AFTER BECOMING A CHAIRPERSON, YOU will be exempted from paying dormitory accomodation fees for academic year (starting at October) 2021/2022
Room checks in dormitories
On October 4th, 5th and 6th, randomly selected rooms of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) dormitory residents will be inspected.
October 4th 1 pm:
- Dormitory No. 1 “Taika” (Taikos pr. 119, Kaunas)
October 4th 1 pm:
- Dormitory No. 2 “Baltija” (Vytauto pr. 71, Kaunas)
October 5th 1 pm:
- Dormitory No. 4 (Studentų str. 1, Academy, Kaunas district)
October 5th 1 pm:
- Dormitory No. 5 (Universiteto str. 8, Academy, Kaunas district)
October 6th 1 pm:
- Dormitory No. 7 (Universiteto str. 6, Academy, Kaunas district)
October 6th 1 pm:
- Dormitory No. 8 (Studentų g. 5, Akademija, Kaunas district)
October 6th 3 pm:
- Dormitory No. 10 (Studentų str. 7, Academy, Kaunas district)
Residents, who have failed to meet the conditions laid down in the Agreement for Accommodation or who have violated the Internal Rules of the Dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University and who have been subject to disciplinary action:
- 10 euros if a reprimand is issued;
- 15 euros if a warning is issued;
- 20 euros if a severe warning.
Reminder about COVID-19 prevention in VMU dormitories
To comply with coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention measures in the dormitory, students must comply with the following prevention measures:
- wash hands and use a hand sanitiser regularly;
- avoid touching face with hands;
- keep household clean and ventilated;
- cover the mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing;
- wear disposable gloves in the public areas of the dormitory (residents shall purchase them themselves);
- avoid direct physical contact and keep a safe distance from others, especially in the kitchen and other common areas;
- wear medical face masks in the public areas of the dormitory (residents shall purchase them themselves);
- keep an eye on your health condition and inform the dormitory management immediately if you feel any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, sore throat or difficulty breathing).
For more information on COVID-19 prevention at the University, click here.
In dormitories installed new self-service laundry app
A new self-service laundry app has been installed in VMU dormitory No. 2 “Baltija” and dormitory No. 5, which will allow dormitory residents to take care of their laundry more conveniently, to pay with their card, and to select and monitor the laundry process on their smartphones.
By downloading and using the “Wash it by Primus” app, dormitory residents will be able to:
- know in real-time whether the washing machines are available or occupied;
- select and monitor their preferred washing or drying cycle;
- make credit/debit card payments.
To use the laundry app, residents will need to follow four steps:
- Download the “Wash it by Primus” app, available on the App store or Google play;
- Top up your virtual wallet balance;
- Select the washing machine or tumble dryer you want;
- Wash and dry.
Full instructions and links on how to download and use the “Wash it by Primus” app here:
Stand for Election to the VMU Dormitory‘s Council
Vytautas Magnus University has announced the election to the dormitory Council, which is organised in accordance to VMU Dormitory Self-government regulations.
If you are living in VMU dormitory No. 2 Vytauto pr. 71 (BALTIJA), Kaunas or No. 6 A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius or No. 5 Univesiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas dstr. and you are interested to become the Chairperson of Dormitory‘s Council then all you need to do is to fill this electronic application until 3rd of October, 2021 and to comply the following criteria:
- you have to study in Vytautas Magnus University
- you have to be motivated
- you have to make a one-year activities plan for the Council
- you have to have experience in social activities
- you have to have experience of living in the dormitory
- you cannot have penalties for infringements of the University internal legal acts
The Chairperson of the Dormitory Council is elected in three stages:
I stage – candidate applies for this position, by filling this questionnaire until October 3rd, 2021, 12 a.m. The selected candidates will be informed of the invitation to run for the election of the Chairperson of the Dormitory Council on 4th October.
II stage – candidates selected by the Students‘ Representative Council and the Student Affairs Department are invited to attend the meeting of Selection committee on 6th October at 13:30 p.m. (The format of the committee will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates)
III stage – if it will be necessary, candidate has to participate in Election of Dormitory Council’s Chairperson which will be held in the general meeting of residents of the dormitory.
Person who is interested to become the Chairperson of the Dormitory‘s Council together with the electronic application form has to submit following information:
- Personal data
- A letter of motivation
- To describe in a narrative form a one-year activities plan of Dormitory‘s council
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Dormitory‘s Council and the Chairperson
We want to remind You, that the Chairperson has a right and power to form and manage Dormitory‘s council.
The elected chairperson of the dormitory will be exempted from payment of the accommodation fee for 2021/2022 academic year (from 1st of October 2021 until 30th of June 2022)
The main purpose of Dormitory‘s council is to help the Chairperson to implement following objectives:
- To represent the interests of the dormitory Residents in University‘s (dormitory‘s) administration
- To represent University (dormitory) requirements among residents
- To maintain the integrity of community
- To carry out social and cultural activities
- To mediate in cases of misunderstandings or problems between residents or residents and administration
The Chairperson of the Dormitory‘s Council is elected annually in the beginning of each academic year by the general meeting of residents of the dormitory after the selection procedure performed by the Students‘ Representative Council and Student Affairs Department
More information about dormitory‘s self-government
The deadline for reservation accommodation in university dormitories has changed (available from 10.01)
Please be informed that due to the high demand of Vytautas Magnus University students for dormitory places, students of other higher education institutions (other than Vytautas Magnus University) who wish to stay in one of the dormitories offered by Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Academy (Kaunas district) or Vilnius will be able to do so no earlier than from Sat. 1 October.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
For more information please contact Student Centre:
Ph: (8 37) 751 175
The most important dates and terms of accommodation of 2021/2022
We would like to inform you about the most important dates and terms for the accommodation of foreign students in the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University during the Autumn semester of the 2021/2022 academic year:
Date | Accommodation of NEW international students, studying full-time or coming for exchange studies |
From 2021.07.01 | From this date, all new international students of Vytautas Magnus university, will be able to book a place of accommodation in VMU dormitories (places of accommodation, reserved prior to this date, will be cancelled). More information about accommodation procedure here. |
Accommodation of SENIOR students | |
2021.05.24 – 2021.06.30 | Students who are currently living in VMU dormitories, has to submit the application for a renewal of their Agreement of Accommodation for the summer period and/or academic year of 2021/2022. More information can be found here. |
2021.05.24 – 2021.06.30 | Graduating students has to submit the application for the accommodation during summer period (from July 1st, 2021 to August 16th, 2021). More information can be found here. |
Until 2021.06.15 | Students who are planning to return to Lithuania and want to stay in VMU dormitory, must reserve a place of accommodation. More information can be found here. |
Until 2021.06.30 | Rooms are kept reserved for those who have moved out of the dormitory during the quarantine announced by the Republic of Lithuania and who have expressed a wish to keep their place of residence reserved for their return. More information about the reservation and procedures of returning to the dormitory can be found here. |
From 2021.08.02 | List of remaining vacant rooms will be published. More information about the accommodation procedure can be found here. |
From 2021.09.01 | Announcement of free places for all students (not only for VMU). More information can be found here. |
If you have any questions, please contact the Student Centre (Student Affairs Department) by e-mail: or phone: (8 37) 751 175.
Important information on the non-operation of VMU systems (2021.08.28)
Please be informed that this Saturday, 28 August (tentatively from 13:00 to 20:00), VMU will be carrying out electrical repair works. During this time, all VMU IT systems will be down, except Office 365 (including Outlook mail), which will only be accessible from an external, non-VMU network.
During the specified period will not work:
- Internet connection;
- The car park of the “Baltija” dormitory which use a number plate recognition system;
- Student Portal;
- the copying/printing system.
Apologise for the temporary inconvenience.
Conditions and Regulations for Students Arriving to the Dormitory (information updated 16.08.2021)
In order to ensure safety of the dormitory’s residents and staff members, for prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University, residents of the dormitories and students who are planning to move into them are asked to pay close attention and follow rules set out below.
Higher-year students who are residents in one of the dormitories of VMU and who are planning their return to the dormitory, will be required to cover the costs of their self-isolation, testing for COVID-19 (if required), their meals, and other personal expenses by themselves. Self-isolation can be carried out only in specially designed rooms (except cases when a resident is living in a single bedroom with a separate bathroom).
All residents, who have already left Lithuania or are planning to travel for a short period, and intend to return to the dormitory must fill-out this form. This information is required in order to contribute to pandemic management and comply with all COVID-19 prevention requirements.
For more information:
Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)
Phone: (8 37) 751 175