Lithuania’s first meditation room was established in the VMU dormitory
On the initiative of the Student Affairs and International Cooperation Departments of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) and the Students’ Representative Council, a meditation room was opened in the dormitory No. 5, located at Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas district. This is the first room of its kind in the students’ dormitories in Lithuania, where students can use this space for meditation, concentration, and other personal spiritual or psychological needs.
The idea to establish this kind of room arose even before the COVID-19 pandemic. The original idea was to establish a prayer room for students of different religions, who need such a place in the dormitory due to the fact, that it is located in Akademija (Kaunas district), and unlike in the City Centre of Kaunas, there is no possibility to find a place for religious services very quickly. However, in the wake of the pandemic, the purpose of the room has been broadened.
“During the pandemic, we realized that our students are in need for a quiet place where they could do their activities without being disturbed. Although there are only single and two-beds rooms at the University dormitories, it is because of the latter (two-beds rooms) that students cannot always have his or her own private space for meditation, remote psychological counselling, etc,”, says Mr. Mantas Simanavičius, Director of the Student Affairs Department, about the need for a meditation room. “We believe that in future, we should open more of these rooms in dormitories in Kaunas, as well as in Vilnius”.
Mrs, Laura Lapinskė, the Equal Opportunities Coordinator at VMU, says that in a today’s society, people are moving between different activities at a very fast pace, so space for peace and relaxation (a separate room or area) allows you to take a breather, to relax, to hide from the hustle and bustle, to sit in silence, or to simply calm yourself down.
“I see the establishment of a meditation room in the VMU dormitory as a very welcome initiative. I am convinced that the establishment of such spaces, which help to strengthen the psychological and emotional well-being of the members of the University community, is a successful step forward, learning from the best practices of universities in other countries, for example Scandinavia, or business companies. I believe that we should move towards further development of relaxation and meditation spaces as an important part of the university’s infrastructure, which is accessible to both students and staff members”, says Mrs. Lapinskė.
Individual students are already using the meditation room, and we think it will be particularly useful for our Muslim students during the Ramadan, as well as for students who are meditating or just want to concentrate and spend time alone with their thoughts. In conclusion, we kindly invite you to use the meditation room and leave all your everyday worries behind, calm your mind and soul, and develop only positive emotions.
Regarding the accommodation fee reduction for VMU students who suffered from repression by the Belarusian government and military actions in Ukraine
Students from Ukraine who have been admitted to study at Vytautas Magnus University for the academic year 2022/2023, as well as students who in accordance with the Description of the Procedure for Granting the Support for Students of Vytautas Magnus University who Suffered from the Repressions of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and Military Actions in Ukraine have been granted the accommodation fee exemption for a period until December 31st, 2022, will be granted the accommodation fee reduction from January 1st to June 30th, 2023, under the following conditions:
- 100% accommodation fee reduction will be granted to students, who are currently living in:
- Two-beds room in a block of rooms (room type II B);
- Two-beds room in a block of rooms (room type II B) with an additional bed.
- 70% reduction will be granted to students, who are currently living in a two-beds room (room type II).
IMPORTANT: Students, who are granted a 70% accommodation fee reduction and who after January 1st, 2023, will change their place of residence to the different type of room will lose their right to a reduction of the accommodation fee unless they will move to a type of room which grants a 100% fee reduction.
Students, who are or will be living in a different type of rooms than specified above, will not be granted any type of accommodation fee reduction.
Students of VMU, students who suffered from repression by the Belarusian government and from military actions in Ukraine and who have not applied for any type of support in accordance with the Description of the Procedure for Granting the Support for Students of Vytautas Magnus University who Suffered from the Repressions of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and Military Actions in Ukraine, or who have received such support and it has been ceased to be granted because the student has moved out of the dormitory, are entitled to apply for the accommodation fee reduction under the above-mentioned conditions no later than by February 28th, 2023, by submitting a signed request form and sending it to email
For more information please contact:
Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)
K. Donelaičio str. 52 – 111, Kaunas
Ph. +370 37 75 11 75
Application for Accommodation for New International Students will start on December 15, 2022
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) announces that applications for accommodation in VMU dormitories for new international students of VMU will be accepted from 15 December, 2022.
Please note, that this application will be open only for new (first semester) incoming full-time, Erasmus+, Bilateral or other international exchange students of Vytautas Magnus University, for their accommodation in Spring semester, 2023. Other, higher year students, who are currently not living in the dormitories of VMU, or residents who wish to change their current room, would be allowed to reserve one of the available rooms only after January 16, 2023.
IMPORTANT: the application is open only for students, who have already signed their Learning Agreements (Erasmus+, Bilateral Exchange or Visiting Students) and Agreement of Studies (full-time Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students) (for more information about signing it, please contact International Cooperation Department)
In order to reserve a place of residence in one of the dormitories of VMU, all new incoming first-year international students must follow this procedure:
- read about the dormitories of VMU, locations, prices for accommodation services, living conditions, etc.;
- login to the online accommodation system (Accommodation for others). Please look for “Accommodation in Student Rooms”:
- Exchange students may use their Username / Password that they created when applying for their exchange studies at VMU;
- Full time Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students may use their Username / Password that they created when signing their Agreement of studies.
- reserve one of the places from the provided list on Accommodation in Student Rooms (please note that, the number of places in the dormitories is very limited, however, the list is constantly updated, therefore it is recommended to check it regularly).
- receive an e-mail with confirmation of your reservation. This e-mail means, that room of your choice will be reserved for your arrival until 31st of January, 2023;
- receive a second e-mail in the middle of the January with instructions on how to sign your electronic Agreement for Accommodation, and sign it;
- move into the dormitory (not earlier than January 15 and after signing your Agreement for Accommodation) by 31st of January, 2023 (in case you are planning to move-in after the 31st of January, 2023, then please contact Student Centre by sending an e-mail to and inform about your intended date of arrival. In all cases you will have to pay accommodation fees starting from 1st of February 2023, otherwise your room reservation will be cancelled).
We would like to share information about the alternative private accommodation offers in Kaunas. Please be aware that VMU is only reposting the information and is not mediating between students and private companies. More detailed information regarding private accommodation here.
For more information please contact:
Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)
Phone +370 37 751 175
Stand for Election to the VMU Dormitory ‘s No. 2 Council
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), in accordance with the Regulations of the Dormitory Self-Government, announces a competition for the election of the Chairperson of the Council of the VMU Dormitory No. 2.
If you are living in VMU dormitory No. 2 Vytauto pr. 71, Kaunas and you are interested to become the Chairperson of the Dormitory‘s Council then all you need to do is to fill out this electronic application until 10th of October, 2022 and to comply with the following criteria:
- you have to study at Vytautas Magnus University
- you have to be motivated
- you have to make a one-year activities plan for the Council
- you have to have experience in social activities
- you have to have experience living in the dormitory
- you cannot have penalties for infringements of the University’s internal legal acts
Person who is interested to become the Chairperson of the Dormitory‘s Council together with the electronic application form has to submit the following information:
- Personal data
- A letter of motivation
- To describe in a narrative, form a one-year activities plan of Dormitory‘s council
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Dormitory‘s Council and the Chairperson
We want to remind You, that the Chairperson has the right and power to form and manage Dormitory‘s council.
The elected chairperson of the dormitory will be exempted from payment of the accommodation fee for the 2022/2023 academic year (from the 1st of October 2022 until the 30th of June 2023)
The main purpose of Dormitory‘s council is to help the Chairperson to implement the following objectives:
- To represent the interests of the dormitory Residents in the University‘s (dormitory ‘s) administration
- To represent University (dormitory) requirements among residents
- To maintain the integrity of a community
- To carry out social and cultural activities
- To mediate in cases of misunderstandings or problems between residents or residents and administration
The Chairperson of the Dormitory‘s Council is elected annually at the beginning of each academic year by the general meeting of residents of the dormitory after the selection procedure performed by the Students‘ Representative Council and Student Affairs Department
More information about dormitory‘s self-government
Room checks in dormitories
On October 11th, 12th, and 13th, randomly selected rooms of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) dormitory residents will be inspected.
- 02:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 1 “Taika” (Taikos pr. 119, Kaunas)
- 03:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 2 “Baltija” (Vytauto pr. 71, Kaunas)
- 02:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 4 (Studentų str. 1, Akademija, Kaunas district)
- 02:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 5 (Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas district)
- 03:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 7 (Universiteto str. 6, Akademija, Kaunas district)
October 13th (Thursday):
- 02:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 8 (Studentų g. 5, Akademija, Kauno raj.)
- 03:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 10 (Studentų str. 7, Akademija, Kaunas district)
Residents, who have failed to meet the conditions laid down in the Agreement for Accommodation or who have violated the Internal Rules of the Dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University and who have been subject to disciplinary action:
- 10 euros if a reprimand is issued;
- 15 euros if a warning is issued;
- 20 euros if a severe warning.
There is no possibility to reserve a vacant resident place in Kaunas dorms for non-VMU students
Please be informed that due to the high demand of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) foreign students for accommodation in VMU dormitories in Kaunas, from 1 October 2022 until the end of this academic year (30 June 2023) it will not be possible to reserve a vacant resident place for non-VMU students in dormitories No. 2 located at Vytauto pr. 71 Kaunas (“Baltija”) and No. 5 located at Akademija, Kaunas district. All reservations will be cancelled. We apologise for the inconvenience.
For more information please contact:
Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)
S. Daukanto str. 27-206, Kaunas
Phone No.: (8 37) 751 175
Stand for Election to the VMU Dormitory ‘s Council
Vytautas Magnus University has announced the election to the dormitory Council, which is organised in accordance with VMU Dormitory Self-government regulations.
If you are living in VMU dormitory No. 2 Vytauto pr. 71 (“Baltija”), Kaunas or No. 6 A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius or No. 5 Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas dstr. and you are interested in becoming the Chairperson of the Dormitory‘s Council then all you need to do is to fill out this electronic application by the 2nd of October 2022 and comply with the following criteria:
- you have to study at Vytautas Magnus University
- you have to be motivated
- you have to make a one-year activities plan for the Council
- you have to have experience in social activities
- you have to have experience of living in the dormitory
- you cannot have penalties for infringements of the University’s internal legal acts
The Chairperson of the Dormitory Council is elected in three stages:
I stage – candidate applies for this position, by filling this questionnaire until October 2nd, 2022. The selected candidates will be informed of the invitation to run for the election of the Chairperson of the Dormitory Council on 5th October.
II stage – candidates selected by the Students’ Representative and the Student Affairs Department are invited to attend a meeting of the Selection Committee, the date, time, format, and venue of which will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates.
III stage – if necessary, the candidate has to participate in the Election of the Dormitory Council’s Chairperson, which will be held in the general meeting of residents of the dormitory.
A person who is interested to become the Chairperson of the Dormitory‘s Council together with the electronic application form has to submit the following information:
- Personal data
- A letter of motivation
- present in a narrative form the planned annual activities of the Dormitory Council (the Dormitory Council’s activity plan), which should include:
- the problems perceived in the hostel and proposed solutions
- the objectives, activities, and initiatives for the term of office
- informal activities to mobilise the community
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Dormitory‘s Council and the Chairperson
We want to remind You, that the Chairperson has the right and power to form and manage Dormitory‘s council.
The elected chairperson of the dormitory will be exempted from payment of the accommodation fee for 2022/2023 academic year (from 1st of October 2021 until 30th of June 2023)
The main purpose of the Dormitory‘s council is to help the Chairperson to implement the following objectives:
- To represent the interests of the dormitory Residents in University ‘s (dormitory ‘s) administration
- To represent University (dormitory) requirements among residents
- To maintain the integrity of a community
- To carry out social and cultural activities
- To mediate in cases of misunderstandings or problems between residents or residents and the administration
The Chairperson of the Dormitory‘s Council is elected annually at the beginning of each academic year by the general meeting of residents of the dormitory after the selection procedure performed by the Students‘ Representative Council and Student Affairs Department.
More information about dormitory‘s self-government
Regarding the application for the accommodation fee reduction for VMU students who suffered from repression by the Belarusian government and from military actions in Ukraine
Students from Ukraine who have been admitted to study at Vytautas Magnus University for the academic year 2022/2023, as well as students who in accordance with the Description of the Procedure for Granting the Support for Students of Vytautas Magnus University who Suffered from the Repressions of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and Military Actions in Ukraine have been granted the accommodation fee exemption for a period until August 31st, 2022, will be granted the accommodation fee reduction from September 1st, 2022, to December 31st, 2022, under the following conditions:
- 100% accommodation fee reduction will be granted to students, who are currently living in:
- Two-beds room in a block of rooms (room type II B);
- Two-beds room in a block of rooms with an additional bed;
- studios with kitchens (room type S+V SV(3)) with an additional bed.
- 60% accommodation fee reduction will be granted to students, who are currently living in a single-bed room in a block of rooms (room type I B).
- 70% reduction will be granted to students, who are currently living in a two-beds room (room type II).
IMPORTANT: Students, who are granted a 60% or 70% accommodation fee reduction and who after September 30th, 2022, will change their place of residence to the same or a different type of room will lose their right to a reduction of the accommodation fee unless they will move to a type of room which grants a 100% fee reduction.
Students, who are or will be living in a different type of rooms than specified above, will not be granted any type of accommodation fee reduction.
Students of VMU, students who suffered from repression by the Belarusian government and from military actions in Ukraine and who have not applied for any type of support in accordance with the Description of the Procedure for Granting the Support for Students of Vytautas Magnus University who Suffered from the Repressions of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and Military Actions in Ukraine, or who have received such support and it has been ceased to be granted because the student has moved out of the dormitory, are entitled to apply for the accommodation fee reduction under the above-mentioned conditions no later than by September 30th, 2022, by submitting a signed request form and sending it to email
For more information please contact:
Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)
S. Daukanto str. 27 – 206, Kaunas
Ph. +370 37 75 11 75
Students from other higher education institutions will be able to reserve a place in a VMU dormitory from 10.01
Please be informed that due to the high demand of Vytautas Magnus University students for accommodation in VMU dormitories, students of other higher education institutions (other than VMU), who wish to stay in one of the dormitories offered by VMU (in Vilnius, Kaunas and/or Kaunas District, Akademija), will not be able to do so earlier than from the beginning of this year October 1st. Sorry for the inconvenience.
For more information please contact:
Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)
S. Daukanto str. 27-206, Kaunas
Tel. No.: (8 37) 751 175
The most important dates and terms of accommodation of 2022 / 2023
We would like to inform you about the most important dates and terms for the accommodation of our international students in the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University during the Autumn semester of the 2022/2023 academic year:
Date |
Accommodation of NEW international students, studying full-time or coming for exchange studies |
From 2022.07.01 |
From this date, all new international students of Vytautas Magnus university, will be allowed to book a place of accommodation in VMU dormitories (places of accommodation, reserved prior to this date, will be cancelled). More detailed information about accommodation procedure you will find here. |
Until 2022.08.31 |
Reservations made by new international students are kept until this date. If the student does not arrive and move into the dormitory by this date – the reservation will be cancelled. |
Accommodation of SENIOR students | |
2022.05.30 – 2022.06.15 |
Graduating students have to submit the application for the accommodation during summer period (from July 1st, 2022, to August 15th, 2022). More information can be found here. |
Until 2022.06.15 |
New reservations are allowed by choosing rooms from the list of available places, for the period until June 30, 2022 (available only for the dormitory No. 6, in Vilnius). |
By 2022.06.30 |
Persons, whose Agreements for Accommodation are valid only until June 30, 2022, and whose Agreements will no longer be renewed (non-VMU students; VMU graduates who have not applied for a further extension; persons who have been imposed disciplinary sanctions; etc.) must move out of the dormitories of VMU. More information on contract renewal options can be found here. |
From 2022.07.01 |
VMU students whose Agreements for Accommodation have been renewed must sign it online on |
By 2022.08.15 |
Persons whose Agreements for Accommodation have been extended only for the summer period have to move out of the VMU dormitories. |
From 2022.08.16 |
List of remaining vacant rooms will be published for senior year students of VMU. |
From 2022.10.01
Applications will be accepted for accommodation in VMU dormitory No 6, in Vilnius.
More information will be available at the end of August on our website |
From 2022.10.01 |
Announcement of remaining places for all students (not only for VMU). |