Water problems in the Academy’s dormitories

AB “Kauno energija” Noreikiškės boiler house is temporarily suspending the centralized hot water supply to dormitories and other buildings from 9:00 a.m. on 19 August 2024 until 3:00 p.m. on 23 August 2024 due to hydraulic testing of pipelines and planned repairs.

Additionally, residents of Dormitory 5 are informed that water will not be supplied to this dormitory on 19 August 2024 due to ongoing works.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Possible disruptions in water supply at August 13-14, 2024

Due to repair work being carried out in Dormitory No. 5 located at Universiteto St. 8 in the Academy, Kaunas district, there may be temporary water supply interruptions during the daytime on August 13-14, 2024. We apologize for the inconvenience.


UPDATED: Application for Accommodation for New International Students of 2024/2025 

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) has opened an application for new incoming international students for accommodation in the dormitories of VMU during the academic year 2024/2025 or just the Autumn semester. Please note, that this application is open only for new (first year) incoming full-time, Erasmus+, Bilateral or other international exchange students of Vytautas Magnus University. Other, higher year students, who are currently not living in the dormitories of VMU, would be allowed to reserve one of the rooms for the new academic year only starting from August 26th, 2024. 

IMPORTANT: Number of resident places in VMU dormitories is VERY LIMITED.

IMPORTANT:   the application is open only for international exchange students (Erasmus+ and Bilateral Exchange Students), who have been already accepted for their exchange studies at VMU also for international full-time Bachelor’s and Master’s students, who have been accepted for studies in academic year 2024/2025, have signed Agreement of Studies and have got official confirmation, that they will have issued (if needed) visa or Temporary Residence Permit (TRP).

In order to reserve a place of residence in one of the dormitories of VMU, all new incomingfirst-year international students must follow this procedure: 

For more information please contact: 

  • Student Centre (Student Affairs Department) 
  • Phone +370 37 751 175
  • E-mail  studentas@vdu.lt
  • Address K. Donelaičio st. 52-111, Kaunas

Due renovation in dormitory No. 5

Vytautas Magnus University have launched dormitory No. 5 (address Universiteteto g. 8 Academy, Kaunas district) renovation work in the ground floor of the dormitory in order to improve the current living conditions of students, because of that:

  • Residents, who are wishing to access other floors will need to use an auxiliary staircase;
  • during the renovation, the elevator in this dormitory will run only between the II-V floor;
  • in the other place in ground floor is alocated centralized administration of the dormitories in the Academy.

During the renovation might by available temporary electricity, water and others supply interruptions, may happens working noise caused.

Estimated time of renovation works end – 31.08.2024

We apologize for the inconvenience and noise caused.

For more information please contact:

  • Dormitory administration
  • Address: University st. 8, Academy, Kaunas district
  • Phone: (8 37) 752 256, (8 37) 752 258, mobile tel. : +370 6 552 3783
  • E-mail: akademija@vdu.lt

IMPORTANT: For owners of bicycles stored in VMU dormitory No. 5

Due to the repair work started on the 1st floor of VMU Dormitory No. 5 (located at Universiteto St. 8, Akademija, Kaunas district), we ask that owners who keep bicycles there pick them up by July 7, 2024. If bicycles are not picked up on time, they will be moved to another location, for which the dormitory administration is not responsible for their safety.

For more information please contact:

  • Dormitory administration
  • Address Universiteto St. 8, Academy, Kaunas district
  • Phone (8 37) 752 256, (8 37) 752 258
  • Mobile phone +370 6 552 3783
  • E-mail akademija@vdu.lt

The deadline for concluding extended accommodation agreements is 06.05.2024

Students and graduates of the 2023/2024 school year who are currently living in VMU dormitories and with whom Vytautas Magnus University has extended accommodation agreements until the 31st of July 2024 (graduates of the 2023/2024 school year) or until the 30th of June 2025, must sign the formed accommodation agreement by the 5th of July 2024 (inclusive) by connecting to https://epasirasymas.vdu.lt/ using the login provided by VMU. If the accommodation agreement is not concluded in time, the allocated place of residence will be canceled.

For more information please contact:

  • Student Centre (Student Affairs Department) 
  • Phone +370 37 751 175
  • E-mail  studentas@vdu.lt
  • Address K. Donelaičio st. 52-111, Kaunas

Residents of VMU Dormitory No. 6 competed in a table tennis tournament

On 12 June, the council of VMU Dormitory No. 6, along with its chairperson Gabija Čižiūnaitė, invited table tennis enthusiasts living in the dormitory to the annual table tennis tournament. The participants, who had registered in advance, competed against each other to prove which resident spends the most time playing this game in their free time. Four players competed in the finals.

The 1st place winner was Simas Pažemeckas, the 2nd place went to Leonas Andžius, the 3rd place went to Gvidas Gasiūnas, and the equally honorable 4th place went to Miglė Zoltnerytė. Participants were awarded VMU merchandise. Throughout the tournament, there was a lot of laughter and cheer from the residents of the dormitory. The students had a great opportunity to socialize with each other and spend an active and productive evening in the dormitory. After the tournament, nobody was in a hurry to go back to their rooms, as the students watched a Lithuanian Basketball League game together at the initiative of the dormitory council.

The Council congratulates the winners and hopes that this event will be held annually to strengthen the community spirit.

Calling All VMU Students: Donate Items for Future Students’ Needs

We’re inviting all VMU students to share items they no longer need with an incoming exchange or full-time students arriving in August.

This initiative is part of DON@ – Donation Opportunities for Newcomers.

Our main goal is to enhance integration and living conditions for students with fewer opportunities through mutual support, inclusion, and sustainable development.

When and where can VMU students bring the items they no longer need?

The timetable for collection days at VMU Dormitory No. 2 (Baltija), Vytauto pr. 71, Kaunas: lobby

  • June 3, Monday: 09:30 – 11:30 and 15:00 – 17:00
  • June 5, Wednesday: 09:30 – 11:30 and 15:00 – 17:00
  • June 10, Monday: 09:30 – 11:30 and 15:00 – 17:00
  • June 14, Friday: 09:30 – 11:30 and 14:00 – 16:00
  • June 17, Monday: 09:30 – 11:30 and 15:00 – 17:00

The timetable for collection days at VMU Dormitory No. 5, Universiteto g. 8, Akademija: lobby

  • June 7, Friday: 17:00 – 18:00

What should VMU students do if they leave earlier or later than the assigned collection days?

All VMU students, whether they live in a dormitory or elsewhere, are welcome to donate items!

If you can’t manage to come during the assigned hours, please leave your items with friends and ask them to bring them to the collection points.

There are schedules and collection points for the last week of June:


  • June 21 – June 30
  • Place: the box under the stairs in the lobby, first floor.
  • VMU Dormitory No. 2 (Baltija), Vytauto pr. 71, Kaunas


June 25, Tuesday, 15:00 – 17:00:

Place: Lobby, VMU Dormitory No. 5, Universiteto g. 8, Akademija
Responsible person: Andrii Volynets

June 27, Thursday:

14:00 – 15:00 (Valeriia Lykhohrud)
15:00 – 17:00 (Andrii Volynets)
Place: Lobby, VMU Dormitory No. 5, Universiteto g. 8, Akademija

If you are leaving Kaunas in July and have items to donate, please leave your contact information HERE.

Are there any rules on what students can donate and cannot?

Our simple rules:

  • Bring clean and gently used items.
  • Bring items in bags according to the selected categories (kitchen stuff, electronics, study materials, leisure time items, household items).
  • Bring your items to the appointed place and time.

We won’t collect or keep food, medicine, clothes, footwear, or bedding.

BUT: You can bring clothes, footwear, and bedding to the lobby, and we will donate them to Caritas for the homeless! Please use bags!

We accept the following categories of items:

  • Kitchen stuff: pans, pots, plates, blenders, cups, knives, cutlery, dishes, kettles, dishware, etc.
  • Electronics: USBs, fans, table lamps, irons, etc.
  • Items for study and leisure time include umbrellas, backpacks, bags, books, sports equipment, hobby materials for handmade crafts, and stationery such as notebooks, paper, pens, holders, etc.
  • Household items include cleaning tools such as mops, brooms, and washing powder; storage containers or boxes, buckets, mirrors, and clothes hangers; and decorations such as candles, flashlights, and photo frames.

All donated items will be kept in special storage rooms in the VMU dormitories until the end of August. Before the new semester begins, we will organize a Donation Day and share the items with new students.

Check out the video and photos to see how previous events were held:

The “Sharing is caring” event in January 2024: video  and article

The “Sharing is caring” event in August 2023: video and article

Contact information for any questions: ganna.tron@vdu.lt, yuliia.matiiuk@vdu.lt

It is possible to reserve a living space until May 31st

Please note that VMU students will only be able to book a place in the VMU dormitories for moving in or relocating until May 31st (inclusive). The VMU accommodation system will be blocked from June 1st onwards. Consequently, VMU students will not be able to reserve accommodation when moving in or relocating. The reopening date of the VMU accommodation system will be notified separately.

News in VMU dormitory No. 1

The Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) dormitory No.1 “Taika”, located at Taikos Ave. 119, Kaunas, under the initiative of the Council and its Chairman, Otonas Mykolas Vasilius, is delighting the residents with some small but enjoyable news.

Running out of ideas for what to do on a rainy day or how to spend a fun evening? In the dorm’s Leisure Room, you’ll find classic board games like “Alias” and “Monopolis,” offering opportunities for fun with other dorm residents between lectures or after classes. And don’t forget to express your creative talents or scribble a love letter to another dorm resident on the old chalkboard—crayons are readily available!

In VMU dormitory No. 1 laundry room, you’ll even find two new drying racks, which will expedite the drying of your laundry and consequently reduce queues for services.

Sporty residents of VMU dormitory No. 1 will appreciate the addition of a new fitness trainer and sports equipment in the Sports Room, making it much easier to prioritize your health and well-being!