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UPDATED INFORMATION (05.28): Dormitory Restrictions Due to Prevention of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Information updated 10:17, 28th May, 2020 Taking into consideration the recommendations by the Ministry of Health, the National Public Health Center under the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, as well as the recommendations by the World Health Organisation and the pra...

Payment for service options during quarantine
We remind you that students living in the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Kaunas district, or in Vilnius, during the quarantine period announced in the country, may pay for accommodation services remotely. You can pay for accommodation in the following ways: if you pay ...

During the quarantine, it is possible for VMU students who are unable to study remotely to move into dormitories
Taking into account the Government of the Republic of Lithuania 2020 May 13th No. 475, which from May 25th allowed to carry out higher education studies that cannot be carried out remotely, Vytautas Magnus University from this year May 25th allows new residents, VMU students, to stay in the universi...

A Survey of the Quality of Accommodation Services is Being Conducted
From May 11, 2020, on the initiative of Student Affairs department, „Survey of the Quality of Accommodation Services“ is being conducted for the very first time. Students, who are living in the dormitories are requested to evaluate living conditions and services, that are provided in the dormitories...

Possibility of changing the room of the dormitory dormitory during the period of quarantine (updated 05.11)
Starting from May 11th, 2020, students living in VMU dormitories will be able to change dormitory rooms to vacant places not only in the same dormitory where they live (this opportunity has been granted since April 1st) but also between dormitories. Residents shall check the list of vacant rooms and...

Possibility to Postpone the Payment of Accommodation Fees During Quarantine
We want to inform that students, who are living in the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus university in Kaunas, Kaunas District, or Vilnius, and who due to financial difficulties cannot pay their accommodation fees in time set by University and specified in the Agreement for Accommodation, may apply for...