Room checks in dormitories

On March 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, randomly selected rooms of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) dormitory residents will be inspected.

March 1st 1:00 pm.:

  • Dormitory No. 1 “Taika” (Taikos pr. 119, Kaunas)

March 1st 2:00 pm.:

  • Dormitory No. 2 “Baltija” (Vytauto pr. 71, Kaunas)

March 2nd 2:00 pm.:

  • Dormitory No. 4 (Studentų str. 1, Akademija, Kaunas district)

March 2nd 2:00 pm.:

  • Dormitory No. 5 (Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas district)

March 2nd 3:30 pm.:

  • Dormitory No. 7 (Universiteto str. 6, Akademija, Kaunas district)

March 3rd 2:00 pm.:

  • Dormitory No. 6 (A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius)

March 4th 1:00 pm.:

  • Bendrabutis Nr. 8 (Studentų g. 5, Akademija, Kauno raj.)

March 4th 1:00 pm.:

  • Dormitory No. 10 (Studentų str. 7, Akademija, Kaunas district)

Residents, who have failed to meet the conditions laid down in the Agreement for Accommodation or who have violated the Internal Rules of the Dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University and who have been subject to disciplinary action:

  • 10 euros if a reprimand is issued;
  • 15 euros if a warning is issued;
  • 20 euros if a severe warning.

Conditions for Arrivals and Restrictions Related to COVID-19 (updated on 2022-02-14)

Information updated 14th of February, 2022

In order to ensure the safety of the dormitory’s residents and staff members, for prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University, residents of the dormitories and students who are planning to move into them are asked to pay close attention and follow rules set out below.

All residents, who have already left Lithuania or are planning to travel for a short period, and intend to return to the dormitory must fill out this form. This information is required in order to contribute to pandemic management and comply with all COVID-19 prevention requirements.

Conditions for Arrivals and Restrictions Related to COVID-19 (updated on 2022-02-09)

Information updated 9th of February, 2022

In order to ensure the safety of the dormitory’s residents and staff members, for prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University, residents of the dormitories and students who are planning to move into them are asked to pay close attention and follow rules set out below.

Higher-year students who are residents in one of the dormitories of VMU and who are planning their return to the dormitory will be required to cover the costs of their self-isolation, testing for COVID-19 (if required), their meals, and other personal expenses by themselves. Self-isolation can be carried out only in specially designed rooms (except cases when a resident is living in a single bedroom with a separate bathroom).

All residents, who have already left Lithuania or are planning to travel for a short period, and intend to return to the dormitory must fill out this form. This information is required in order to contribute to pandemic management and comply with all COVID-19 prevention requirements.

Stand for Election to the VMU Dormitory ‘s No. 6 Council

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), in accordance with the Regulations of the Dormitory Self-Government, announces a competition for the election of the Chairperson of the Council of the VMU Dormitory No. 6.

If you are living in VMU dormitory No. 6 A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius and you are interested to become the Chairperson of Dormitory‘s Council then all you need to do is to fill out this electronic application until 8th of February, 2022 and to comply with the following criteria:

  • you have to study at Vytautas Magnus University
  • you have to be motivated
  • you have to make a one-year activities plan for the Council
  • you have to have experience in social activities
  • you have to have experience of living in the dormitory
  • you cannot have  penalties for  infringements  of  the University internal legal acts

The Chairperson of the Dormitory Council is elected in three stages:

I stage – candidate applies for this position, by filling this questionnaire until February 8th, 2022, 12 p. m.  The selected candidates will be informed of the invitation to run for the election of the Chairperson of the Dormitory Council on February 8th until the end of the working day (5:00 p.m.).

II stage – candidates selected by the Students ‘Representative Council and the Student Affairs Department are invited to attend the meeting of the Selection Committee on 9th February at 1:30 p.m. via the MS TEAMS platform (a link to the remote meeting will be sent to shortlisted candidates).

III stage – if it will be necessary, the candidate has to participate in the Election of the Dormitory Council’s Chairperson which will be held in the general meeting of residents of the dormitory.

Person who is interested to become the Chairperson of the Dormitory‘s Council together with the electronic application form has to submit the following information:

  • Personal data
  • A letter of motivation
  • To describe in a narrative, form a one-year activities plan of Dormitory‘s council
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Dormitory‘s Council and the Chairperson

We want to remind You, that the Chairperson has the right and power to form and manage Dormitory‘s council.

The elected chairperson of the dormitory will be exempted from payment of the accommodation fee for the 2021/2022 academic year (from 1st of February 2022 until 30th of June 2022)

The main purpose of Dormitory‘s council is to help the Chairperson to implement the following objectives:

  • To represent the interests of the dormitory Residents in the University‘s (dormitory ‘s) administration
  • To represent University (dormitory) requirements among residents
  • To maintain the integrity of a community
  • To carry out social and cultural activities
  • To mediate in cases of misunderstandings or problems between residents or residents and administration

The Chairperson of the Dormitory‘s Council is elected annually at the beginning of each academic year by the general meeting of residents of the dormitory after the selection procedure performed by the Students‘ Representative Council and Student Affairs Department

More information about dormitory‘s self-government

Conditions for Arrivals and Restrictions Related to COVID-19 (updated on 2022-01-17)

Information updated 17th of January, 2022

In order to ensure the safety of the dormitory’s residents and staff members, for prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University, residents of the dormitories and students who are planning to move into them are asked to pay close attention and follow rules set out below.

Higher-year students who are residents in one of the dormitories of VMU and who are planning their return to the dormitory will be required to cover the costs of their self-isolation, testing for COVID-19 (if required), their meals, and other personal expenses by themselves. Self-isolation can be carried out only in specially designed rooms (except cases when a resident is living in a single bedroom with a separate bathroom).

All residents, who have already left Lithuania or are planning to travel for a short period, and intend to return to the dormitory must fill out this form. This information is required in order to contribute to pandemic management and comply with all COVID-19 prevention requirements.



Conditions for Arrivals and Restrictions Related to COVID-19 (updated on 2022-01-10)

Information updated 10th January 2022

In order to ensure the safety of the dormitory’s residents and staff members, for prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University, residents of the dormitories and students who are planning to move into them are asked to pay close attention and follow rules set out below.

Higher-year students who are residents in one of the dormitories of VMU and who are planning their return to the dormitory will be required to cover the costs of their self-isolation, testing for COVID-19 (if required), their meals, and other personal expenses by themselves. Self-isolation can be carried out only in specially designed rooms (except cases when a resident is living in a single bedroom with a separate bathroom).

All residents, who have already left Lithuania or are planning to travel for a short period, and intend to return to the dormitory must fill out this form. This information is required in order to contribute to pandemic management and comply with all COVID-19 prevention requirements.


Christmas trees lit in VMU dormitories

Last week, Christmas trees lit up in all dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), creating a festive spirit and atmosphere in the dormitories and improving the mood. The trees were decorated with the usual Christmas decorations, photos of students or toys made by the students.

Indrė Pauliukienė, the administrator of the VMU “Taika” dormitory, said that this year the residents of the whole dormitory were very active and helped to create a Christmas mood in the dormitory and to increase the sense of community before the most beautiful holidays of the year.

“We decorated the first-floor tree together with the Chair of the Dormitory Council Raminta Milašiūtė and Matas Strelčiūnas, the 5th-floor tree was decorated by the students themselves over the weekend, and the 9th floor Christmas tree, which was decorated with handmade toys on the initiative of residents Otonas Mykolas Vasilius and Rokas Vaikšnoros, together with the residents of the 9th-floor, is the most beautiful tree in the dormitory,” said the administrator of the Taika Dormitory, Indrė Pauliukienė.

We are delighted with the students’ initiative and wish them a meaningful and beautiful Christmas season!


Application for Accommodation for New Incoming Students for 2021/2022 Spring Semester

Starting from December 1st, 2021, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is accepting applications for new incoming international students for accommodation in VMU dormitories located in Kaunas (Nr. 2 “Baltija”)Akademija, Kaunas dstr. (Nr. 5 “Akademija”) and Vilnius (Nr. 6 “Vivulskis”) during the Spring semester 2021/2022  

Conditions and Regulations for Students Arriving to the Dormitory

In order to ensure the safety of the dormitory’s residents and staff members, for prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University, residents of the dormitories and students who are planning to move into them are asked to pay close attention and follow rules set out below.

Higher-year students who are residents in one of the dormitories of VMU and who are planning their return to the dormitory will be required to cover the costs of their self-isolation, testing for COVID-19 (if required), their meals, and other personal expenses by themselves. Self-isolation can be carried out only in specially designed rooms (except cases when a resident is living in a single bedroom with a separate bathroom).

All residents, who have already left Lithuania or are planning to travel for a short period, and intend to return to the dormitory must fill out this form. This information is required in order to contribute to pandemic management and comply with all COVID-19 prevention requirements.

From November 3rd, wired internet in dormitory No. 5 will stop working

From November 3rd, 2021, 8 AM, wired internet will be disconnected at VMU dormitory No. 5, located in Akademija, Kaunas District, and only a wireless internet connection will be available.

Due to technical maintenance works, temporary disruptions are possible.

For computers that do not have wireless connections, we recommend purchasing external WIFI adapters, which can be bought at any store of computer appliances.

For example:


We are sorry for the inconvenience.