Accommodation prices will change from September 1, 2022

Please be informed that in response to changes in prices, many of which are beyond the direct control of the University and are related to an increase in the cost of energy sources (electricity, gas, heating, etc.), changes in services related to the maintenance of the dormitory (security, cleaning, changes in the salary of the administrative staff, etc.) as well as the current and projected operating costs per dormitory room and conditions of accommodation in a particular dormitory room, as from September 1st, 2022, the accommodation fees will increase accordingly:

Dormitory Type of Room Type Accommodation Fee per Person


Change in Price per Day

until 2022.08.31 from 2022.09.01
No. 2, Vytauto pr. 71 („Baltija“), Kaunas Single-bed room I 5 € / day 6 € / day + 1 €
Two-beds room II 4 € / day 4,5 € / day + 0,5 €
Single-bed room in the block of rooms I B 4 € / day 5 € / day + 1 €
Two-beds room in the block of rooms II B 3 € / day 3,5 € / day + 0,5 €
No. 5, Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas District Single-bed room in the block of rooms I B 4 € / day 5 € / day + 1 €
Two-beds room in the block of rooms II B 3 € / day 3,5 € / day + 0,5 €
Two-beds room II 4 € / day 4,5 € / day + 0,5 €

No. 6, A. Vivulskio str. 36 („Vivulskis“), Vilnius




Single-bed room (renovated) I (2) 6 € / day 7 € / day + 1 €
Single-bed room (non-renovated) I 5 € / day 6 € / day + 1 €
Single-bed room in the block of rooms (renovated) I B (2) 5 € / day 6 € / day + 1 €
Two-beds room in the block of rooms (renovated) II B (2) 4 € / day 4,5 € / day + 0,5 €
Single-bed room in the block of rooms (non-renovated) I B 4 € / day 5 € / day + 1 €
Two-beds room in the block of rooms (non-renovated) II B 3 € / day 3,5 € / day + 0,5 €

The new prices will come into effect from September 1st, 2022, however, students who have previously signed Agreements for Accommodation will not need to take any additional actions (previously signed Agreements for Accommodation will remain in force, but the new accommodation fee rate will be applicable starting from September 1st, 2022).

Please note, that the price for accommodation paid by students from other higher education institutions (other than VMU) who are currently staying in the University’s dormitories will change accordingly (see the column Changes in Price per Day in the table presented above).

Please be informed, that in accordance with the Agreement for Accommodation, students who disagree with the changes in fees, have the right to terminate their Agreement for Accommodation by August 31st, 2022, by paying accommodation fees and moving out of the dormitory, or relocating to a cheaper place at the same or another dormitory.

IMPORTANT: please note, that students who will make their reservations in the dormitories before August 31st, 2022, on the reservation system will see the prices which remain in effect until August 31st, 2022, and later (from September 1st, 2022) they will be changed to the prices that will take effect from September 1st, 2022.

We would like to remind, that prices for accommodation in the dormitories of VMU has not changed since 2019 when three universities (VMU, LEU, and ASU) have merged into one Vytautas Magnus University. Please be informed, that the overall price change is approx. 15% from the current rates.

For more information please contact:

Student Centre (Student Affairs Department)

Address: S. Daukanto str. 27-206, Kaunas

Phone: +370 37 75 11 75


Application for Accommodation for New International Students of 2022/2023

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) has opened an application for new incoming international students for accommodation in the dormitories of VMU during the academic year 2022/2023 or just the Autumn semester. Please note, that this application is open only for new (first year) incoming full-time, Erasmus+, Bilateral or other international exchange students of Vytautas Magnus University. Other, higher year students, who are currently not living in the dormitories of VMU, would be allowed to reserve one of the rooms for the new academic year only starting from August 16th, 2022. 

IMPORTANT:  the application is open only for students, who have already signed their Learning Agreements (Erasmus+, Bilateral Exchange or Visiting Students) and  Agreement of Studies(full-time Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students) (for more information about signing it, please contact International Cooperation department) 

In order to reserve a place of residence in one of the dormitories of VMU, all new incomingfirst-year international students must follow this procedure: 

For more information please contact: 

Student Centre (Student Affairs Department) 

Phone +370 37 751 175 


Update on dormitory accommodation until the start of the 2022-2023 academic year


According to the confirmation of the Rector of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), the validity of the accommodation fees approved on 1 July 2021 is extended until 31 August 2022, so the fees will remain unchanged until the end of summer.

After the end of the 2021-2022 accommodation season, as from 30 June 2022, persons re-entering or renewing accommodation contracts should note that from now on accommodation contracts do not specify a specific accommodation fee, but will now specify the rate of the accommodation fee. You can check the rate applicable to your room here.

The situation is currently being assessed with regard to the projected income and costs of the dormitory, which the University has started to incur in line with changes in energy cost increases, as well as changes in the rates for other essential services that are beyond the University’s direct control. The final decision on the accommodation tax rates applicable from 1 September 2022-2023 will be taken by 1 August 2022 and will be made public. Follow the information at .

Accommodation for guests

As of 1 July 2022, the number of guest rooms in the Akademija, Kaunas district dormitories will be reduced, with more rooms allocated for permanent student accommodation. All persons wishing to stay in guest rooms in the Akademija, Kaunas district will be able to book them only in dormitory No. 5, located at Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas district.

COVID-19 prevention

The University is also monitoring information related to the management and prevention of COVID-19, which may be of particular relevance at the start of the new academic season – if the Government of the Republic of Lithuania or the University itself decides to impose any restrictions on the spread of COVID-19 in the provision of accommodation, we will immediately inform all new and existing dormitory occupants of the restrictions.

On 3 June, the hot water temperature will be increased in dormitory No. 5

Please be informed that on 3 June, the hot water temperature will be increased in Dormitory No.5 on the Akademija campus from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm.

We apologise for the temporary inconvenience.

Terms and conditions for renewing your accommodation contract

VMU students, who are graduating this spring semester of 2022 and who are currently living in the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Akademija (Kaunas District) or Vilnius, and whose Agreements of Accommodation are valid only until June 30, 2022, and who wishes to continue living in VMU dormitories during the summer (period from July 1st to August 15th) must register for accommodation no later than by June 15th, 2022, by filling out this survey. 

VMU students, who are not graduating this Spring or are not completing their studies at VMU do not need to complete this survey. The Agreements for Accommodation of these VMU students will be renewed automatically for one year (for period until June 30, 2023) but only if they are not sanctioned for the disciplinary violations. 

 Students of other higher education institutions (other than VMU) may extend their Agreements for Accommodation only in VMU dormitory No.6, A. Vivulskio g. 36, Vilnius, for a period of 1 year (until June 30, 2023) or until August 15, 2022 (for graduating students), but only if they are not sanctioned for the disciplinary violations. These students are requested to complete a survey and to present a certificate confirming their student status (not older than 1 month) no later than June 15th, 2022, by sending it to 

Agreement for Accommodation for non-VMU students living in other dormitories will be terminated after June 30, 2022, without a possibility of extending this period. 

For more information please contact: 

Student Centre (Student Affairs Department) 

Phone +370 37 751 175 


Hot water will not be available in the Academy’s dormitories from 16th to 20th May

Please be informed that hot water will not be supplied to the dormitories located in Akademija, Kaunas district, from 16th 09:00 a.m. until 20th May 06:00 p.m.

We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

Room checks in dormitories

On May 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, randomly selected rooms of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) dormitory residents will be inspected.

May 17th (Tuesday):
  • 04:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 1 “Taika” (Taikos pr. 119, Kaunas)
  • 03:30 p.m. Dormitory No. 2 “Baltija” (Vytauto pr. 71, Kaunas)
May 18th (Wednesday):
  • 01:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 4 (Studentų str. 1, Akademija, Kaunas district)
  • 02:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 5 (Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas district)
  • 02:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 7 (Universiteto str. 6, Akademija, Kaunas district)

May 19th (Thursday):

  • 02:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 8 (Studentų g. 5, Akademija, Kauno raj.)
  • 12:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 10 (Studentų str. 7, Akademija, Kaunas district)

May 20th (Friday):

  • 01:00 p.m. Dormitory No. 6 (A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius)

Residents, who have failed to meet the conditions laid down in the Agreement for Accommodation or who have violated the Internal Rules of the Dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University and who have been subject to disciplinary action:

  • 10 euros if a reprimand is issued;
  • 15 euros if a warning is issued;
  • 20 euros if a severe warning.

A Survey of the Quality of Accommodation Services is Being Conducted

We invite you to participate and express your opinion in the university-level “Evaluation of Accommodation Services in Dormitories” survey, launched by the Student Affairs Department (SAD). The purpose of the survey is to find out the opinion of persons living in VMU dormitories about accommodation conditions and provided services.

We kindly invite students who live in VMU dormitories in Kaunas, Akademija (Kaunas District), or Vilnius to participate in this year’s survey and evaluate their opinions and suggestions, which would help to improve the performance and services provided in dormitories. We are hoping for ~10 minutes of your time, that you would dedicate to completing this questionnaire. The link to the survey was sent to all the residents by e-mail to their personal e-mail addresses. We invite you to fill in the survey by May 15, 2022. 

Survey link

Taking into account the results of last year’s survey, the following changes/improvements have been made to the VMU halls of residence in 2021 in order to create the most favourable and comfortable living and leisure conditions for students living in the VMU halls:


No. 2, located at the address Vytauto pr. 71, Kaunas

A self-service laundry programme has been introduced; coffee and snack self-service machines have been upgraded; rubbish containers have been replaced; parking spaces in the car park have been labelled.

No. 5, located at the address Universiteto str. 8, Akademija, Kaunas District

A self-service laundry programme has been introduced; coffee and snack self-service machines have been added; a Wi-Fi network has also been installed, eliminating cable internet; outdoor bicycle racks have been installed; rubbish containers have been replaced; induction hobs and ovens have been updated.

No. 6, located at the address A. Vivulskio str. 36, Vilnius

A self-service laundry programme has been introduced; coffee and snack self-service machines have been added; the 12th floor is fully equipped with a sports area with a tennis table.

The survey on VMU dormitories is carried out annually to make the results comparable and assess changes in accommodation services and make new proposals.

Thank you all for your cooperation in taking 10 minutes to complete the survey – you are helping us to improve and grow!

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Affairs Department by email: or by phone: (8 – 37) 751 175.

New COVID-19 Requirements and Recommendations in the Dormitories of VMU

In order to ensure the safety of the dormitory’s residents and staff members, for prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) within the dormitories of Vytautas Magnus University, residents of the dormitories are asked to pay close attention and follow requirements and recommendations that are set out below.

March 18th possible disruption of VMU systems in the dormitories

For technical work on the VDU server on Friday, March 18th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, there may be temporary disruptions of the VMU IT systems throughout the University, including the dormitories (they may be temporarily unavailable): wireless and wired internet, printers, Outlook e-mail, Moodle, Student Portal, etc.

IMPORTANT: server technical work will not affect your entry/exit from the dormitory using the card.

Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.