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IMPORTANT: For owners of bicycles stored in VMU dormitory No. 5

Due to the repair work started on the 1st floor of VMU Dormitory No. 5 (located at Universiteto St. 8, Akademija, Kaunas district), we ask that owners who keep bicycles there pick them up by July 7, 2024. If bicycles are not picked up on time, they will be moved to another location, for which the do...

The deadline for concluding extended accommodation agreements is 06.05.2024

Students and graduates of the 2023/2024 school year who are currently living in VMU dormitories and with whom Vytautas Magnus University has extended accommodation agreements until the 31st of July 2024 (graduates of the 2023/2024 school year) or until the 30th of June 2025, must sign the formed acc...

Residents of VMU Dormitory No. 6 competed in a table tennis tournament

On 12 June, the council of VMU Dormitory No. 6, along with its chairperson Gabija Čižiūnaitė, invited table tennis enthusiasts living in the dormitory to the annual table tennis tournament. The participants, who had registered in advance, competed against each other to prove which resident spends ...

Calling All VMU Students: Donate Items for Future Students’ Needs

We're inviting all VMU students to share items they no longer need with an incoming exchange or full-time students arriving in August. This initiative is part of DON@ – Donation Opportunities for Newcomers. Our main goal is to enhance integration and living conditions for students with fewer opp...

It is possible to reserve a living space until May 31st

Please note that VMU students will only be able to book a place in the VMU dormitories for moving in or relocating until May 31st (inclusive). The VMU accommodation system will be blocked from June 1st onwards. Consequently, VMU students will not be able to reserve accommodation when moving in or re...

News in VMU dormitory No. 1

The Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) dormitory No.1 "Taika", located at Taikos Ave. 119, Kaunas, under the initiative of the Council and its Chairman, Otonas Mykolas Vasilius, is delighting the residents with some small but enjoyable news. Running out of ideas for what to do on a rainy day or how t...